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Chris Evans Has Spoken Out About His Shock 'Top Gear' Exit

Chris Evans Has Spoken Out About His Shock 'Top Gear' Exit

The 50-year-old insisted that he had "no regrets."

Sian Broderick

Sian Broderick

It's fair to say Chris Evans has had an absolute stinker this year. Things have gone from bad to worse for the 50-year-old who announced he was "stepping down" from Top Gear after just one (disastrous) series.

The Radio 2 presenter, who quit hours after the final episode of the show was broadcast, has now admitted he's "entirely sad" to leave his dream job and revealed he would have "loved" to have carried on.

However, despite the whole shitstorm, he has insisted he has "no regrets".

Writing in the Mail on Sunday, Evans said: "I am entirely sad Top Gear didn't work out - I would have loved to have carried on working on it.

"But letting go with a smile on your face is far better than clinging on till you look constipated. Know what I mean?"

Earlier this week, the BBC confirmed they have "no immediate plans" to replace the presenter and it is now thought that co-star Matt LeBlanc will pick up where he's left off.

Evans was heavily criticised throughout his time on the show with some fans claiming he was "too shouty."

He continued: "Some things, however, simply don't work out. It seems I may well have been a square peg in a round hole."

Pretty much, pal.

Words by Sian Broderick

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