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Wetherspoon Set To Ditch Jägerbombs Because Of Brexit

Wetherspoon Set To Ditch Jägerbombs Because Of Brexit

The pub chain will be replacing Jägermeister with a British alternative

Claire Reid

Claire Reid

I've got a bit of devastating news for those of us who enjoy knocking back a few Jägerbombs without spending a small fortune, because bargain booze purveyors JD Wetherspoon has said it will no longer be stocking the drink. If you listen closely you can hear a million students screaming in anguish.


The move comes as Wetherspoon boss Tim Martin has said he will be binning European drinks and replacing them with non-EU alternatives ahead of the UK leaving the EU.

So, as well as German Jägermeister, Wetherspoon will also stop flogging French brandies, such as Courvoisier VS and Hennessy, ITV reports.

He has previously said he will be ditching Champagne and replacing it with British and Aussie alternatives.

Instead of Jägermeister, Wetherspoon will now be stocking an English herbal liqueur called Strika, which sounds lethal, and in place of the French brandies customers will be offered Aussie brand Black Bottle or US best-seller E&J Brandy.

But before you get too upset, dry your eyes, because Martin reckons the new products will actually be cheaper, if you're open-minded enough to give them a chance in the first place.

Speaking about the switch, Martin said: "The three new products will be offered at a lower price than those they are replacing.

"This is a significant move by us and highlights our commitment to offering an excellent range of UK and world products, with the emphasis on quality and value for the two million customers who visit our pubs each week.


"In blind tastings conducted by Wetherspoon, the new products were more popular than those they are replacing.

"Many commentators talk of a 'cliff-edge' if the UK 'crashes out' of the EU without a deal.

"In reality, there is no cliff-edge, only sunlit uplands beyond the EU's protectionist system of quotas and tariffs.

"All EU products have UK or non-EU replacements, often at equal or better quality and price."

Guy Lawrence, the CEO of Jägermeister UK said: "Naturally we are disappointed that UK consumers will no longer be able to enjoy our products at Wetherspoon venues.

"We have always enjoyed a close working relationship with JD Wetherspoon and are sorry to be parting in this way."

Earlier this year Martin said the company would be looking for alternatives to EU products post-Brexit if 'unfair traffis' were introduced.traffis' were introduced.

Using the hypothetical example of Swedish cider-makers Kopparberg, he said: "Wetherspoon is one of the biggest customers, or possibly the biggest customer, of the excellent Swedish cider-maker Kopparberg.

"If trade barriers were imposed, so as to make Kopparberg uneconomic, then Wetherspoon could switch to UK suppliers or those from elsewhere in the world.

"In this case, the principal losers in a trade war would be the inhabitants of a small town in Sweden, where Kopparberg is produced, rather than the UK economy.

"Unfortunately for the Swedes, the EU negotiators, unlike those of the UK, are not subject to judgement at the ballot box, so Kopparberg's influence on the outcome may be minimal."

So, it looks like there could be more changes ahead. Strikabomb anyone?

Featured Image Credit: PA

Topics: Food, UK News, Wetherspoon