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10-Year-Old Boy Invites Entire Class To House Party Without Parents Having A Clue

10-Year-Old Boy Invites Entire Class To House Party Without Parents Having A Clue

He filled in all the invites and handed them out with his mum noticing a thing

A 10-year-old LAD secretly invited his entire class to an end-of-year bash at his house, without his mum knowing. 

Max Campbell - who I reckon has a solid future as a party planner - found some old left over invites from a previous party and decided that he and his pals needed a chance to let their hair down, so he filled them in. 

The next day, he went to school and handed out the invites, which told his classmates it was being held at his house on July 25, at 4pm. 

The 10-year-old decided he and his mates were due a party.

The party wheels were in motion, but his plans were soon scuppered after a classmate’s parent got in touch with Max’s surprised mum Diane Campbell, 50, who was completely clueless about the supposed gathering. 

The shocked mum then had to try and get the word out that there was no such party, which wasn’t easy given that she didn’t even know how many invites Max had managed to hand out. 

Professional singer and DJ Diane, who lives in Bolton, said: "My friend messaged me to tell me that her son was excited to come to Max's party.

"I messaged her back and said 'what party?!' She told me Max had invited everyone from his class to an end of school party.

Mum Diane was shocked when a fellow parent got in touch about the party.

"I had to make a status on Facebook asking people to message me because I had no idea how many invites he'd given out.

"It's a big school and there are still loads of parents I haven't even met or spoken to.

"Max told me he'd found the invitation cards in my card box from when he had a birthday party before and had filled them out without me knowing.

"He said he wanted an end of term party because Year Six get one - going from primary to secondary school - and he doesn't.”

Unfortunately, Max's big bash didn't go ahead.

Fortunately - or unfortunately depending on whose side you’re on here - Diane was able to get the message out fairly sharpish thanks to social media and so didn’t end up with a gang of hyped-up, ready to party kids turning up at her door. 

"Nobody turned up, thanks to Facebook, although the neighbours and friends did joke that they were going to crash the party with wine and beer.

"I'm thankful we have Facebook, otherwise I'd have had 31 kids at my door on Monday!"

Ah well, better luck next time, Max. 

Featured Image Credit: SWNS

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