‘Living Nostradamus’ has revealed his 2025 predictions and it’s terrible news for us.
Here we go again! We have another 2025 prediction list and it’s just as bad as all of the rest.
Why can’t humanity catch a break?
Well, we won’t get into all of the reasons as to why humanity is getting a taste of karma, but you know it as well as I do.
We're just days away from 2025; now that we’ve enjoyed Christmas, we are set to welcome the New Year tomorrow night with a few bevvies and nibbles. And with celebrations come a whole new year to enjoy (or not).
However, Brazilian man Athos Salomé has earned the nickname 'Living Nostradamus' in the past couple of years thanks to his prophecies about mankind. And considering he reckons some of his predictions have come true, it’s not great news for 2025.
Speaking to Femail, Salomé said that ‘the world is now at what may turn out to be the most critical cross roads ever’.

AI will become bigger than ever
Salomé predicts that next year will see Artificial Intelligence like never before.
He said: “Advanced systems will be able to operate in multiple domains at the same time, mimicking human reasoning.
“An AI will be able to design buildings, plan advertising campaigns and diagnose diseases in a matter of seconds. But as we transfer so much power to machines, the question arises: what happens if we lose control?”

Quantum computing could be used for good or bad
While Quantum computing was ‘previously restricted to experimental laboratories’, it ‘could soon solve practical problems’.
But there’s a catch.
The seer shared that while it could be useful for ‘modelling molecules for new medicines’, it with absolutely break ‘global digital security systems’.
Whether it’s banks, governments, or organisations, their cybersecurity could be compromised by quantum computing.

Brains connecting to AI
Okay, so this sounds pretty cool, but it might not be a good idea to try it out.
He explained that there could be ‘a future where human brains can connect directly to artificial intelligence’ which would then be able to ‘treat neurological diseases’.
This could be fantastic, but it comes at a huge risk of ‘mental invasion and manipulation of thoughts’.
I do not want someone reading my mind. Especially not when I’m watching Yoo Yeon-Seok in the Netflix Kdrama, When The Phone Rings (yum).

Implantable technologies…coming soon
So, not only might we have to worry about our thoughts being read, but also implantable chips.
According to Salomé said: “Implantable chips are on their way to becoming popular. These devices will monitor health, connect users to the internet and potentially allow real-time tracking.
“For many, this sounds liberating; for others, it is the harbinger of a world where we are constantly watched.”

Digital currencies take over physical currencies
How about paying for your McDonald’s with your bitcoin?
It sounds daft, but Salomé predicts that government digital currencies will mesh with physical money and that we’ll be able to use it in the same way, but it comes at a cost.
He explained: “Transactions will be fast but completely traceable, raising serious concerns about privacy.
“Governments will have absolute control over digital money, being able to freeze accounts or monitor every purchase.”

Cyber weapons turn the tide on war
Cyber attacks might become more common place as their strength increases.
Salomé warned that these attacks could take down power grids, hospitals and even banking systems.
He said: “In a polarised global scenario, these weapons could become the main tools of conflict between powers.”

We’ll find out more about UFOs
New Jersey will be happy about this one!
Salomé said: “Thanks to James Webb telescope, humanity might finally get the answer to the existence of alien life, while governments like the US may declassify UFO files.
“If true, these discoveries could revolutionise one’s view about the universe in which we exist – and about ourselves.”

Nuclear fusion and climate change
Nuclear fusion is something that is pretty debateable.
After all, do we really want to use nuclear power after Chernobyl? But that might be where we’re heading.
He said: “It is never far beyond the horizon; the new idea of clean, unlimited energy – nuclear fusion.”
Sadly, he also thinks that the Arctic will melt further, releasing methane in 'catastrophic quantities' which will cause more climate issues.

The people will engage in movements to take back control
He explained: “These movements could push governments to reconsider some policies and reinstate to people more Personal Freedoms.”
Topics: Artificial Intelligence, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, News, Nostradamus, Technology, Science, Conspiracy Theory