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Serial killer Aileen Wuornos gave chilling reason for murdering seven men

Serial killer Aileen Wuornos gave chilling reason for murdering seven men

Alieen Wuronos was sentenced to death for the string of murders in Florida

American serial killer Aileen Wuornos gave a disturbing reason for why she murdered seven men.

Between 1989 and 1990, Wuornos shot, killed and robbed seven men before she was eventually arrested in early 1991.

Her case became quite the prolific one as it was revealed she had been engaging in sex work along Florida’s highways when she committed the murders.

During her trial, the American woman claimed the shootings were acts of self-defence.

She said that her victims has originally solicited her for sexual services but had gone on to either rape her, attempt to rape her or threaten to kill her.

But despite her testimony and self-defence claim, Wuornos was convicted of six first degree murders and sentenced to death.

Aileen Wuornos was sentenced to death in 1992 (Florida State Prison)
Aileen Wuornos was sentenced to death in 1992 (Florida State Prison)

Yes, only the six as she was never charged with the death of Peter Abraham Siems, whose body was never found.

Before she died in 2002, the serial killer participated in two Nick Broomfield documentaries, Aileen Wuornos: The Selling of a Serial Killer and Aileen: Life and Death of a Serial Killer.




During filming, the director asked her what drove her to kill the men.

In a disturbing clip, Broomfield says: "You killed seven men," to which Wuornos smiles, nods her head and replies: "Sure did."

The documentary maker then queries: "I'm asking you what got you to kill the seven men?"

Chillingly, the convicted serial killer responded with: "And I'm telling you, [it was] because the cops let me keep killing them, Nick. Don't you get it?"

Broomfield can then be seen pointing out that 'not everybody' is out there killing seven people so there 'must have been something' inside her which drove her to murder.

At this point, Wuornos appears to lose her temper, hitting back with: "Oh, you are lost, Nick."

Broomfield later said he did not believe Wuornos was of sound mind when she was put to death.

Wuornos killed seven men. (Channel 4)
Wuornos killed seven men. (Channel 4)

He told The Independent in recent years: "We became oddly close. Her end was so tragic."

The director continued: "She thought her mind was being controlled by some kind of communication device within the prison.

"She was just totally paranoid and hearing voices and was scheduled for execution. It seemed to me, on that level alone, completely inhumane."

Broomfield also revealed that for his second film surrounding Wuornos, he spoke to the infamous killer the day before her execution, where she told him that her death would be 'like Star Trek beaming me up into a space vehicle'.

Featured Image Credit: Channel 4

Topics: Crime, True Crime