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Flight attendant explains why drinking coffee on flights can lead to common problem

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Flight attendant explains why drinking coffee on flights can lead to common problem

Time to say goodbye to that iced caramel latte in the airport

We all have our own little pre-flight rituals when we get to the airport.

Perhaps you like to get there hours early or as late as you possibly can get away with. Maybe it’s more important to you to get in that airport pint before heading over to the gate than it is to wander around duty free trying out every perfume sample.

Either way, we each know what we like to do – even if flight attendants give their own warnings of what not to do.

And if you’re travelling early in the morning, you might like to wait until you’re on board to down a coffee so you’re raring to go when you land.

Perhaps, like many, you like a quick coffee before boarding. (Getty Stock Image)
Perhaps, like many, you like a quick coffee before boarding. (Getty Stock Image)

However, another flight attendant has explained why that can lead to a common problem.

TUI crew member Miva shares advice on TikTok as ‘@mrsmiva’ and said how having coffee before or during a flight can increase people’s fear of flying.

So, if you’re someone who gets a little nervous about being up in the air or just about being on a plane in general, you might want to listen to what she has to say,

Miva simply says to ‘avoid coffee before and during the flight’ all together if you’ve got the common fear.

"Caffeine can intensify tension," she explains. "It also prevents you from sleeping."

It's probably not a good idea if you're a nervous flyer. (Getty Stock Image)
It's probably not a good idea if you're a nervous flyer. (Getty Stock Image)

If you do have a coffee, then it’s likely you’ll stay up for the whole flight and build up those nerves.

Plus, as caffeine is a stimulant, it causes the production and release of adrenaline which can make you feel even more nervous or anxious than you already do.

You could be fine with a cup of tea though but note it does still contain caffeine. And you can take that as a clue that you should probably steer well clear of energy drinks.

Miva also gives a list of other tips for those with a fear of flying, including talking to the flight attendants.

“Let us know that you are afraid,” she says. “We’ll check on you during the flight. Ask questions that trigger uncertainty in you, we will answer them for you.”

The flight attendant also recommends nervous flyers ‘reserve a seat at the front part of the plane’ to decrease the feeling of turbulence. Plus, she says the slightly more obvious: “Distract yourself.”

Miva advises to set up your ‘favourite playlist’ or series, or audiobook.

“You can think about other things and make time pass more quickly for yourself.”

Well, goodbye to that iced caramel latte in the airport then.

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images

Topics: Travel, Food And Drink