A resident left a note and two bags of dog poo taped to their wall after becoming enraged over a dog pooping in their flower beds and the owner not picking it up.
A photograph shows the note alongside a couple of filled dog poop bags taped to a wall. The person who penned the message informed the dog owner that they would be placing cameras in the area and threatened them with the prospect of a £1,000 fine.
The handwritten note reads: “To whom this may concern, this is your dog shit. I have a dog of my own and I use dog bags, pick it up and take it home. Cameras are going up. It is £1,000 fine.
"Also if I find out where you live I will post it through your letterbox. Stop your dog shitting in my flower beds.”
It’s a bit like a s**t-themed version of Liam Neeson’s ‘I will find you’ speech in Taken, isn’t it?

The letter-writer has garnered a fair bit of support on Reddit, where the snap was shared, with many agreeing that it’s irresponsible to not pick up after your pets.
One person wrote: “I mean you have to be some of the lowest of the low to let your pet shit somewhere and think ‘welp not my problem’. Since I've become a dog owner a few years ago my stance on this has only strengthened.”
Another said: “Straight to the point. No bulls**t. Clear and effective. 10/10. This is how you handle this situation.”
While someone else commented: “I can understand it. If you have a dog and don't clean up after it and are able to then you are a c**t.”

Others shared similar tales - with a fellow Redditor adding: “I got into trouble on our local Facebook group because I posted a photo of 2 people chatting while their dogs s**t on my lawn. Apparently I was in the wrong for showing their faces. Funnily enough, no one lets their dogs shit on my lawn anymore.”
And a fifth person writing: “I have a corner lot and people do this all the time. The worst a**hole I caught used a bag to pick it up so people walking by thought he was cleaning, then he tossed it thirty feet right up to my house.” That’s pretty bloody grim, eh? Here’s hoping he took the chance to write his own angry note to post outside.