Having your passport and boarding card checked, praying they don’t ask you to put your bag in the sizer, and then walking down that tunnel to get on the plane. The process plenty of us spend our working days dreaming of.
And then, once we’ve gone through the official bits and standard procedures, we all tend to have our own little routines once we’re on board and ready to travel.
Perhaps you’re a keep-the-shades-up and stare-out-the-window-the-whole-way kind of passenger or maybe you like to kick off your shoes once you’re settled in. And hey, I’m all for that, but plenty of us draw the line at keeping our socks on.
But one passenger’s plane etiquette has sparked a furious debate after exposing their bare feet on a flight.

One Reddit user’s journey next to a ‘heathen’ wasn’t exactly the most pleasurable as they looked at their neighbour’s sole for much of their flight.
Taking to a Singapore Airlines thread, they wrote: “Just wondering, if a passenger is rude next to you, like this example here. Can I request to change seats or get him to put on his stupid shoes?”
They even included a snap of the person sat with their leg crossed so their bare foot was touching the other seat in front with the sole clear as day. I mean, it’s practically staring you in the face.
The user continued with more details of their bare-footed behaviour through the flight: “He was like throughout the flight except for meal times at which he kept asking for whiskey and only after confirming that it was a Johnny Walker red label…..for the life of me.
“Why did I have to put next to this heathen?”
And of course, this launched into a bit of a debate, as users offered up their advice on how to handle the situation with one simply saying: “Asking him nicely. Then ask the crew nicely. Nothing else you can do.”
While one however joked: “Quite simple actually. Just use your feet and touch his feet, you’re wearing shoes, he isn’t.”
Plenty agreed that ‘the only way to deal with them is do it back’.
There were many who did just think the passenger should have just asked ‘him to put his foot away’ but the original poster admitted they were a bit of a ‘pushover’ and just ‘wanted no drama’.
But to round it off, some had a really savage way of dealing with it: “Spill your drink on his feet.”
Topics: Plane Etiquette, Reddit, Travel