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A pest control specialist has revealed how to get rid of bed bugs that are lurking on your clothes.
This comes after pest control firms in London complaining last week about being 'inundated' with calls about bed bugs.
They say that the little buggers have been found in homes, offices and public transport.
"We’ve been inundated with calls about bedbugs – we’ve been flat out for at least the last eight or nine months with them," said Tony King, owner of Pied Piper Pest Control.
For those unaware, bed bugs are basically small insects that often live on furniture or bedding.
Their bites can be itchy, but do not usually cause other health problems, the NHS has said.
Now, it seems that a bed bug epidemic, which began in the capital of France, has already made it across the English Channel into Britain.
"I think there's probably a similar level of issue in London as there is in Paris at present," microbiologist and founder of Bed Bugs Ltd, David Cain, told Sky News.
"They're already on buses, trains, tubes, cinemas, doctor's surgeries, public spaces, hospitals."
If you're unlucky enough to come into contact with bed bugs, and even worse, get them on your clothes, don't worry because there is a simple way to get rid of them
Silas Hoover of South Florida Pest Control has provided us with a straight-forward way 'to kill bed bugs in your clothes'
"Make sure that you've removed the clothes from your bedroom and put them in plastic bags," he explained.
"One bag at a time goes into the dryer.
"Throw away the bag into another plastic bag and get it out of the house immediately.
"Run the clothes at least half hour on the highest heat setting."
It's that easy.
WebMD also recommends to use a stiff brush to scrub the seams of your mattress, which will help remove both the bugs and their eggs.
Follow this up by vacuuming your bed and area around it.
Then take the vacuum bag outside in shove it straight into the bins.
WebMD also advises putting a ‘tightly woven, zippered cover on your mattress and box springs’ and to keep it on for at least a year.
You should make sure any cracks in your plastering are repaired, otherwise bed bugs might find places to hide away.
As painful as it might sound, it’s probably a good time to tidy your room.