Tin foil hats at the ready, as conspiracy theorists reckon they've spotted Bigfoot in a rather unusual Google Earth image.
People always find all sorts of weird and wonderful happenings on Google Earth, from creepy demons to secret military bases.
But this might be the first time the tech giant's satellites have appeared to capture the mythical creature in all of its hairy glory.

Of course, the reality is probably far less exciting. But some conspiracy theorists are convinced it's the real deal.
Alongside a screenshot of the discovery, Reddit user 33sushi wrote: "Is it a bear? A puddle? A hiker without any gear?
"Impossible to say for certain but the darker areas of the subject align with the shadows of other objects nearby.
"Measures around 7-7.5 feet. Appears hunched over. Subject does not appear on other satellite images from different years which might imply that subject is mobile or not stationary object."
The supposed Bigfoot is situated at the coordinates 38°16'24" N. 108°08'32 in western Colorado, US, a place some Redditors are familiar with.

As said by one: "I lived in Montrose for 26 years and used to camp and hike on the Uncompahgre Plateau.
"Using the measuring feature, this spot is 3.2 miles SSE of the Iron Springs Campground.
"We used to hike a trail called the Aspen Loop that was somewhere near these coordinates, although I think it was a little north."
They said there was a specific section on the hike that sometimes gave them 'the willies in a vague and undefinable way', and at least one of their pals said the same thing.
"I don’t know about the image, but I do know that the Uncompahgre Plateau is big, rugged, and at least POTENTIALLY squatchy," they continued.
"It’s surrounded by dry desert areas, but it’s high elevation with a lot of pine and aspen, and a surprising amount of water. There are lots of elk up there."
But not everyone believes this is photographic evidence of the big, hairy beast himself, including this person who suggested it's a 'ground anomaly'.
"Water likely. Maybe the start of a lake," they said. "If that is the case, it should be named Skookum Lake."
And then there are those who are just happy to be there, with one writing: "Thanks for posting this, Bigfoot or not it’s fun."
Not too long ago, a man supposedly captured Bigfoot on camera, with some describing it as the 'best footage ever recorded' of the mythical monster.
That's quite the accolade considering there's been hundreds of images and videos claiming to show the lurking figure over the years.
Topics: Weird, Google Earth, US News, Reddit