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Man calls in sick at place he doesn't work at and gets very unexpected response

Man calls in sick at place he doesn't work at and gets very unexpected response

Jordan just wanted to go fishing but Sylvia's got a tight hold on her 'employees'

Calling in sick to work can often be pretty daunting. Even if you’re feeling like you’re on death’s door plenty of us feel a bit of guilt around taking the day off.

So it takes a whole other level of confidence to call in sick to a place you don’t even work at – that’s serious ballsy behaviour.

And in an old, legendary viral clip, this bloke got a very unexpected response when he pulled of the prank.

Yeah, I bet you know exactly what video I’m talking about. Shared to YouTube over eight whole years ago by user ‘Canadian Chest Hair’, it now has well over a whopping 13 million views. But it just doesn’t seem to get old.

A seamlessly executed prank call. (YouTube / Canadian Chest Hair)
A seamlessly executed prank call. (YouTube / Canadian Chest Hair)

In the prank, he adopts the persona of ‘Jordan’ who just started working at this place a week before but wants to go out fishing.

“I was just wondering if I could take like a sick day or something,” he explains on the phone.

And quickly accepting that this a call from one of her legitimate employees, Sylvia on the other end says: “I’m going to tell you right now it’s going to be an unapproved absence.”

She says he’s ‘too new’ for a sick day but Jordan tries to tell her he’s not sick, he just wants to go fishing because the weather’s ‘so nice’ and he doesn’t want to give up the job ‘because it’s good bread’.

While the woman agrees with that, she’s adamant it’s ‘unapproved’ and it will probably be a ‘discipline’. The bloke then tests his luck to ask for advice on a ‘good excuse’ she can just write down.

Jordan just wants to go fishing, Sylvia! (YouTube / Canadian Chest Hair)
Jordan just wants to go fishing, Sylvia! (YouTube / Canadian Chest Hair)

Only it turns out Sylvia's an ‘assistant manager’ and after some more blagging, she’s supposedly the ‘associate’ of Jordan.

“I am the manager in charge of you,” she claims, “so I can tell you it is definitely unapproved if you do not show up for your shift.” Well, looks like ‘Jordan’ won’t be going fishing.

The manager goes on to say he’s not ‘looking very good’ to her right now.

Apparently this isn’t a ‘very good first impression’ but Jordan reminds Sylvia they’ve ‘met before’.

“I’m going to tell you at this point if you don’t show up for your shift, it is an automatic unapproved which will be a first level discipline,” she slams and refused to tell him how many of those he gets.

Sylvia finishes off by reminding him he needs to be there for his shift. And well, he’s well and truly got her there. Users were quick to point out: “She’s such a good manager that she doesn’t even know Jordan is one of the people she is in charge of.”

And another jokes: “100 percent she was asking everyone that day ‘have you seen Jordan?’”

Featured Image Credit: YouTube/Canadian Chest Hair

Topics: Viral, YouTube, Jobs