Driver or passenger, we've all had that moment where we're sat in a car, circling a car park again and again in the hopes of finding a free spot.
It can be a pretty dangerous game if you're left having to fight over one when it opens up, and the challenge is only made all the more frustrating when other drivers are needlessly inconsiderate, like one particular Jaguar owner in Canberra, Australia.

In a post shared on Reddit, a shopper snapped a picture of the Jaguar after it had been carelessly parked at Westfield Belconnen Mall.
Seemingly done on purpose, the driver had left the car parked directly over the dividing line between two spots, meaning their car took up space in both spaces and making it impossible for anyone else to park there.
The shopper took the first picture when they parked, presumably ready to show other people just how inconsiderate the parking job was, but it wasn't long before other customers decided to take matters into their own hands and teach the driver a lesson.
When the shopper returned to their car an hour later, they found two shopping trolleys placed purposefully behind the Jaguar.

They weren't exactly the most permanent of obstacles, but they would have at least forced the driver to go out of their way to move the trolleys to make sure they didn't crash into them.
But shoppers didn't stop there.
When the Reddit user returned to the scene a third time, there were at least three more shopping trolleys surrounding the car, now forming a much larger barricade, which would prove even more time consuming to move.
Sharing the three images on Reddit, the shopper wrote: "I love how petty Canberran’s can be - found at Belco Westfield."

Other Reddit users were clearly in support of the action, with one writing: "This is hilarious. Well deserved."
Another added: "This is the best Karma pics seen in ages. The shopping trolley arrangement will hopefully send the right message..."
And many other Reddit users even suggested some other small inconveniences shoppers could cause to the driver.
"Gotta put the windscreen wipers up. Only the front though. If you do the back they see [the trolleys] when they approach and check all. Front only, they only realise once in the car and have to get back out again." one person said.
Hopefully the owner of the car will think twice next time they go to pull into a parking space!