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Car dealership worker shares five signs customers show when they know what they're talking about

Car dealership worker shares five signs customers show when they know what they're talking about

Are you a knowledgeable car shopper?

Trying it on at the car dealership is a universal tactic as we all want to get the best deal possible.

And people who know their stuff often don't fall victim to sleazy sales tricks that are sometimes used.

You've got to be on the top of your game when you're in a showroom - and one salesperson has opened up about what it's like dealing with a motor head.

Car selling expert Costa (@costacreatescardeals) has taken to TikTok to explain the five signs of a knowledgeable shopper.

You don't want to get scammed at a car dealership. (Getty Stock Images)
You don't want to get scammed at a car dealership. (Getty Stock Images)

1) How they shake your hand

We've all heard about the importance of a 'firm handshake', but Costa takes this one step further, explaining: “No. 1, if he walks in and shakes your hand like that—that underhanded handshake—oh, watch out.

“All car guys shake people’s hands like this.

“If he shakes it real firm and tight, and looks around the dealership and says, ‘Who makes the decisions around here? I want to talk to him.

“He’s a car vet.”

2) Asking important questions

It turns out that most car people have these things in common. (Getty Stock Images)
It turns out that most car people have these things in common. (Getty Stock Images)

When it comes to anything, if you don't ask the right questions, you aren't going to be previewed to the all-important answers.

“No. 2, if he starts asking you questions like, ‘Hey, how much you got in it? Hey, how long has this been on the lot? Hey, has it been through the shop yet? Has it been through recon?’ He’s a car guy,” Costa added.

“You gotta watch out.”

3) Counting on fingers

While this might sound a little silly, the salesman does sort of make it make sense.

“No. 3, if he starts counting on his fingers like this, backwards? He’s a car guy,” the TikToker adds.

“He’s a car guy. When they start counting like that, oh, he’s a car vet.

“He’s been 20 years in.”

4) Using hand gestures

“No. 4, if he hits you with this right here when you present the numbers and he’s like, ‘Hey, slow down, bud,’” Costa explained.

“That right there? He’s been in the game for at least 25 years. So you’ve got to watch out for him.”

5) Calling you 'bud' or 'boss'

Last, but not least, it seems a 'car vet' will always refer to you as 'bud' or 'boss'.

“If he starts telling you things like, ‘Hey, boss’ or ‘Hey, bud’ [or] ‘You got this', he’s definitely a car guy,” Costa concludes.

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images

Topics: Cars, Money, TikTok, Shopping