Most of us have imagined what life as a multi-millionaire would be like - the kind of home we'd have, the designer clothes we'd buy, and, of course, the food we'd eat.
I'd probably become an Uber Eats addict to save myself on cooking breakfast, lunch and dinner, and I'd feel no guilt because I'd be able to afford it. But not this multimillionaire:
The last thing we likely imagine any multimillionaire doing is eating cat food by choice, unless they've got some sort of unusual fetish or kink.
But this is exactly what Aimee Elizabeth - AKA the 'world's cheapest multimillionaire' - does, despite having a net worth of more than $5.3 million (£4.4 million).
Her bizarre way of living has been showcased on the TLC show Extreme Cheapskates, where one of her friends spilt the beans (pardon the pun) on her unusual eating habits.
They confessed: "One of the times I noticed Aimee was a cheapskate was [when] I came over to her house and she asked me if I wanted lunch.

"So I said, 'Sure'. She makes me a tuna sandwich. As I’m eating the sandwich I'm thinking, 'This is a little fishy, what is this?'
"And then I looked on the countertop, and I noticed there were empty cat food cans. I thought, 'No, she didn’t do this!'"
Putting the ethics of making someone unknowingly eat cat food to the side, Aimee admitted that she prefers to buy feline food because it's cheaper than meat produced for humans.
She said she buys cat food to eat herself - and clearly feeds to others - because cat fish costs 30 cents less than human fish.
Feeding a can of cat tuna to her ex-husband on the show, she said: "I just saved 30 cents!"
Clearly unaware of the levels his ex-wife will go to in order to save some cash, he said: "I don't think Aimee has ever fed anyone cat food but I wouldn't put it past her to try!"
Perhaps unsurprisingly, this is far from the only extreme thing Aimee does to save herself cash, despite being very, very wealthy from her various investments.

She also refuses to throw away her washing-up sponges until they are literally falling apart.
"Some people might think it's a little nasty," she admitted. "Until it's falling apart and rotting, I don't see any reason to throw it away!"
Aimee also refuses to pay a cleaner for her home, which she was gifted by her ex-husband who feared she'd otherwise live in a 'hovel'.
As a result, he still comes over to clean the property, and Aimee is happy to let him do it because it's 'good exercise'.
Each to their own...
Topics: Food And Drink, Weird