When it comes to getting tattoos, I think people largely fall into two camps - the ones who spend hours deliberating the style, artist and placement and the ones who think 'f*** it' and go straight in.
And I think it's fair to say Charlie White, a warehouse worker from Ludlow, Shropshire, falls firmly into the latter category - after he decided to get a massive tattoo of the 'worst picture' of himself right across his back.

Speaking to LADbible, 25-year-old Charlie said: "I just got drunk one weekend with my mates - I tend to do dares when I've had a drink.
"Someone dared me to get a tattoo of myself on my back, like Steve-O from Jackass, so I messaged my tattooist and I went ahead with it.
"It's the worst picture I have of myself, I thought, 'well, if I'm going to do it, I may as well do it right'.
"It did cross my mind to change the photo to a nicer one, but I'd already said I was going to use this one, so I thought I'd better stick to it."
A man of his word.
Charlie, who also has the words 'Sunday sesh' and 'yeah, baby, yeah' tattooed on him, said the tattoo took more than three hours to complete and cost £500, but in fairness to the tattooist artist, he's done a decent job.

After booking in Charlie's pals thought there was a chance he'd back out, but the lad wasn't about to go back on his word.
He added: "Between initially saying I would do it and actually getting it done a few of my mates were, like, 'oh no, he's not going to go ahead with it' or 'he'll change it last minute' so everyone was really shocked when they saw the finished tattoo.
I'll bet they were - and if you're wondering what the response was like from Charlie's nearest and dearest, then you'll have to wait because he hasn't had the bottle to show his mum just yet.
"I haven't shown my mum yet," he said. "But she knows I've got it because my brother told her. I've been a bit too embarrassed to show her." Well, I can't think why...
He added: "My nan was very disapproving of it. She said, 'don't get any more tattoos now after that - and wear a t-shirt'."
Featured Image Credit: Charlie WhiteTopics: LADness