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Brits warned about hypergamy dating trend sweeping the UK

Brits warned about hypergamy dating trend sweeping the UK

Finding love is a lot more complicated than romcoms make it seem

Singletons beware, as there is another dating trend currently sweeping the UK that has come from across the pond.

As if you don't have enough to worry about while trying to find love, you've also got to remember to be wary of what people's true intentions might be while weighing up what other fish are in the sea.

Otherwise, you might get hoodwinked by someone secretly practicing hypergamy who is more interested in what kind of lifestyle you can offer them rather than what sort of partner you might be.

For those who have never heard of this term, it basically means 'dating up' or 'marrying up' - AKA, bagging a other half who is of a higher social and economical status.

It's been going on for decades in pretty much every corner of the world, but it seems to be very prevalent in the States and is now becoming more and more common in the UK too.

Most of the time, people partake in hypergamy in the hopes of moving up the pecking order in society, however, others insist they simply want to be with someone who is successful - and what's wrong with that?

The boundaries of this dating trend have been somewhat redefined in the modern world, but essentially, a lot of people who are looking to start a relationship want to try and boost their social ranking at the same time.

According to a survey conducted by luxury dating site Seeking, single people view a strong emotional connection with a potential suitor as a 'necessity' - while being 'swept off their feet' and well-to-do are also essentials on a first date.

People looking for love have been warned to beware of hypergamy. (Getty Stock Photo)
People looking for love have been warned to beware of hypergamy. (Getty Stock Photo)

The research found that those looking for love are hoping to find someone to learn and grow from, with 57 percent of people saying they want to settle down with a person who 'complements' their own attributes.

After conducting a poll of 2,000 adults, Seeking found that singletons are looking for partners with intellectual, cultural, lifestyle and economic goals - who are ideally already doing quite well for themselves.

A whopping 65 percent of participants said feeling like they had been 'swept off their feet' was key to a successful meeting, while 35 percent of them reckon the relationship is doomed if this doesn't happen on the first date.

The study revealed that 80 percent found self-confidence attractive, 75 percent thought it was alluring when their date is proud of their past accomplishments and that 73 percent were swooning when someone goes 'above and beyond'.

As you can see, it seems having your sh*t together will really boost your chances in the dating world.

Participants also voiced their interest in modern 'hypergamy' - as although 43 percent said they weren't initially aware of the term, after they got clued into it's meaning, 47 percent said they view the dating trend in a positive light.

Singletons hope to boost their social status by choosing the right partner (Getty Stock Photo)
Singletons hope to boost their social status by choosing the right partner (Getty Stock Photo)

The study found that 39 percent reckon that finding someone who can give them a leg up socially and economically can have a major or significant contribution to their personal growth and discovery.

Emma Hathorn, the in-house dating and relationships expert at Seeking, said modern hypergamy 'is about much more' than its traditional form and that it 'reflects a shift towards valuing growth and shared benefits in relationships'.

She explained: "Today, ambition, wealth, and status remain important, but it's equally essential to find a partner who complements and enhances your life in meaningful ways.

"Showcasing those ambitions and treating dates to a taste of luxury sets the bar for the relationship, it is time to say goodbye to ordinary dating. People want to find themselves elevated — both in the conversation itself, and by being treated to something tailored to them, exclusively."

In fact, Emma believes it could benefit people who are trudging through the dating world.

"Being with someone who inspires you to grow and evolve can turn a good relationship into a great one," she said. "Choosing a partner who complements and enhances your attributes can lead to a deeply enriching and meaningful connection. A great relationship is one where both people are constantly learning and growing together."

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images

Topics: Dating trends, Sex and Relationships, News, UK News, Money, Lifestyle