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Woman tries Dirty Dancing lift with boyfriend and ends up smashing two front teeth and breaking nose

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Woman tries Dirty Dancing lift with boyfriend and ends up smashing two front teeth and breaking nose

The couple's attempt to recreate the classic Dirty Dancing moment ended up being a costly mistake

A woman who attempted the iconic Dirty Dancing lift is now having to raise money to cover her dental bills after it all went horribly wrong.

It's one of the most memorable movie scenes of the 1980s, as Patrick Swayze lifted Jennifer Grey up above his shoulders at the climax of the 1987 romance flick to the tune of '(I've Had) The Time of My Life' by Bill Medley and Jennifer Warnes.

You may not have seen the movie, but you'll know which scene I'm talking about.

Well, there's a very good reason why it's best left to the professionals to carry out, as this couple painstakingly found out the hard way.

Flo Bragg was on holiday with her boyfriend in Provence, France, as the two were goofing around in the pool together.

The 27-year-old said that they were 'bored' at their holiday villa, and decided that it would be a great idea to jokingly recreate the famous lift with her 40-year-old boyfriend and film it.

As he lifted her above his head, for a few fleeting seconds, all was going well - until it wasn't.

Flo flew face-first into the water, knocking her two front teeth and breaking her nose on the floor of the swimming pool after falling from that height.

It was all going so well (SWNS)
It was all going so well (SWNS)

Now, she's in the process of trying to raise money for the necessary medical treatment for her injuries, which includes a double root canal and several x-rays. It will cost her £270.

The sales executive explained: “We were just bored one day - we decided to attempt it a couple of times. I guess we thought it would be funny if we just nailed it.

“But I went face-first into the water on my second attempt."

She highlighted: “My boyfriend had knocked out my two front teeth, and broke my nose!”

It's a horrific accident that left the Exeter-based woman in a lot of pain, as her partner rushed her to hospital on 19 September, as she had to have her teeth temporarily glued in.

It's not the best look (SWNS)
It's not the best look (SWNS)

Sadly for Flo, she couldn't really enjoy the rest of her break as she couldn't eat 'regular' food and had to keep her healing face out of the sun - one of the main things you'd want to actively do on your travels.

After returning to the UK, she found that she needs to raise £270 to cover the rest of her medical bills in addition to the bills she ran up in France.

Concluding, she stated: “Any money I can raise towards that would be great.

“I ended up with one broken nose, one split lip, and two lost teeth over a lift.”

Featured Image Credit: SWNS

Topics: Holiday, Health, Travel