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Size isn’t everything, lads. We all know that. And yet still, it’s an absolute obsession for many people – from showing off their supposed ‘whopper’ to teasing others for their ‘small d**k energy’.
However, according to this expert, plenty of men are more average than they think they are.
On her medical YouTube channel, Dr Rena Malik shares videos to educate us all on urologic, sexual and bladder health amongst others.
Dr Malik is a Urologist & Pelvic Surgeon and in one clip, she shared what the ‘normal’ penis size is and just what it could mean if yours is on the smaller side.
While discussing if there are ‘scientifically proven ways to increase penile length’, she looked to research to offer some, well, reassurance.
Malik explained that a survey was done of 50,000 heterosexual men which found that a large 55 percent were unhappy with the way their penis looks.
And yet despite that, a high 85 percent of their partners said they were ‘satisfied’ with the appearance of their willies.
So basically, it’s very much a you problem.
The doctor said much of this unhappiness comes as pornography has ‘blurred the lines of what is normal’.
Because actually, the ‘average penile length’ is apparently approximately 5.2 inches (13.2cm).
“And it’s normal for penile length to be within two and a half standard deviations of that,” she added.
“So, what’s considered abnormal, in terms of length being too short, would be anything less than 2.9 inches (7.5cm).”
Yes lads, that’s what’s classed as a micropenis. It’s said that only roughly 0.6 percent of men have this but while it’s extremely rare, they can be due to a ‘number of causes’.
The surgeon says these can include ‘congenital abnormalities, hormonal abnormalities, previous surgeries or cancer’.
But Malik points out that based on the research, the ‘large majority’ of straight men worrying over the size of their d**ks do have a ‘normal penile length’.
However, of course, plenty of people still wish it was longer.
“And this is a form of body dysmorphic disorder. It actually has a term, it’s called small penis anxiety.” she said.
She says this topic is pretty serious and important to talk about as sometimes it can lead to blokes going abroad or finding ‘non-licensed providers’ in the hopes of having a lengthier manhood.
“[This] can have dramatic consequences,” the doc says.
“So please don’t do that – look for a reputable urologist or psychologist to help you with these issues.”
So don’t worry lads, and also don’t big yourself up – you’re probably just average.