A woman has revealed why she dyes her dog’s fur bright red, saying that it prevents him from getting stolen. Check it out below:
TikTok user Chloe (@danthebigreddog) and her pet pooch Dandy have amassed a decent 335,000 followers, most notably thanks to Dandy’s bright red fur.
Can we take a moment to point out that she really missed a trick by not calling him Clifford.
Names aside, dozens of commenters have questioned the owner’s motives in dying the Great Pyrenees’ hair, with some calling it ‘animal abuse’.
The TikToker responded with a video explaining her reasons, saying: “He looks so adorable in red.”
She goes on to write: “To keep him from getting stolen. He’s a rare breed in my area.”
Other reasons include that ‘he really enjoys the process’ and that the ‘vegan products make his fur shiny and soft’.
Finally, the owner said that ‘it makes him more approachable’, adding: “Dan loves people and kids but he’s 130 lbs so people would get scared of him.
“Now people don’t get scared of him! They only smile and ask to give him attention. He loves that.”

Despite the explainer, the clip received numerous angry comments from the TikTok community.
“No way that’s healthy for him,” wrote one user, while another said, “Nah this is not right.”
Others questioned the method to avoid Dan getting stolen, including this person who commented: “A red dog ain’t gonna stop it from getting stolen just saying.”
But not everyone was against the move, and you can bet there were plenty of Clifford The Big Red Dog references.
“He’s so freaking cute he kinda looks like a real version of Clifford,” commented one, with another stating: “Clifford is real.”
Not too long after sharing the video, Chloe posted a follow-up where she said: “It was originally for Halloween but we liked it so much we kept it going.”
She added that it ‘makes people smile’ and it helps ‘to educate others on safe pet dye practises’.

Chloe revealed she uses Opawz products, a special dye designed for dog and horse hair.
Per the website: “Permanent Colour lasts for more than 20 washes. For creative grooming competition and professional groomers use.
“Long-lasting permanent colour specially formulated for dog and horse. Provides bright, fashionable and unique colour results.”
It adds that while the colouring results may vary with coat type and breed, it is ‘non-toxic and gentle on a pet's coat’.
Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@danthebigreddog