The wobbly walk home after a few too many in the pub is part and parcel of a classic night out in the UK.
But one wrong move during your drunken stumble and you're flying over bushes - just like this woman who crashed into a hedge while half-cut.
Take a look here:
Nicole Hutton's hilarious boozy antics were all captured via a security camera as she walked home through an estate in Newcastle.
She had enjoyed a night on the tiles at her local with her grandma and aunty before things went sideways - literally.
The trio were belting out a rendition of the Emmerdale theme tune as they trotted down the street when Nicole suddenly made a beeline for a bush outside of one of the houses.
She hummed the melody that's engrained in Brit's brains, extended her arms like an airplane, swooped over to the shrubbery - and fell right through it.
The woman collapsed on the front garden in a heap and can comically be heard saying: "F**k!"

To add insult to injury, as she staggered to her feet and tried to get off the property, she tripped over the bush again and fell face-first on the pavement.
Her relatives were left in fits of laughter and after seeing the state of the battered hedge, and decided to own up to their horseplay.
Nicole's aunty then headed up the path to apologise for squashing the shrub, saying: "Tell her man, you fell in the bush."
They then rang the doorbell at just gone 11pm and nervously waited for the homeowner to answer.
When the resident finally does, a red-faced Nicole blurts out: "I'm so sorry, I've fell in your bush!"
Luckily for us lot, although she 'can't even remember a thing' of the night, there was a camera recording the whole time.
Nicole shared the footage of her amusing fall on TikTok saying 'this is why I shouldn't' drink.
Well, it's definitely made us lot feel better about our intoxicated tumbles en route to our homes.

Making the moment more humorous, Nicole explained the woman who opened the door responded: "Excuse you, you fell in my what?"
Oh, to be a fly on the wall for that conversation.
Nicole said her grandma 'nearly wet herself laughing' while her aunty 'always grasses on her' as she loves getting her niece in trouble.
She explained she said sorry as she 'didn't want to be on social media in the morning', but thought the clip was so funny that she couldn't resist uploading it.
"Now look, I'm on social media," she added.

The TikToker reassured people that she 'didn't wreck' the poor bush and that it was back to normal now.
Social media users were left in stitches and took to the comment section to applaud her for apologising.
One said: "The sound effects before falling is the best."
Another wrote: "How do you fall in it twice?! I am dying."
A third added: "I'd be the cross legged friend - there's no way I'd have watched that happen and not peed myself."
A fourth commented: "At least you apologised. I would've found it hilarious if it was my bush."
And a fifth said: "Bless her man. She must just be a good egg who wanted to be honest."
Topics: UK News, Social Media, TikTok, Viral