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Sex worker reveals what her 'lonelier clients' will pay £200,000 a year for

Sex worker reveals what her 'lonelier clients' will pay £200,000 a year for

One out of twenty calls doesn't include any sex at all

Between busy schedules and the dreaded world of dating apps, it seems that finding romance nowadays is harder than ever.

So, in an attempt to feel intimacy with another person, some men turn to sex workers.

Speaking to the Daily Star, Australian escort Harper Valentine shared the diverse range of client requests she caters to that sees her earning a whopping £200,000 a year.

Harper Valentine makes £200,000 a year working as an escort but it's not all about sex (Harper Valentine)
Harper Valentine makes £200,000 a year working as an escort but it's not all about sex (Harper Valentine)

The 29-year-old sees between two and six clients each week and, while sex is a service she offers, she says it's not always about that.

In fact, one in 20 calls don't involve any sexual activity at all.

Harper shared: "Most of my clients are just looking for a connection with someone genuinely interested in the same topics as them," saying it's 'more appealing than the mainstream idea of highly sexualised services.'

"I've fulfilled a wide variety of non-sexual services in my many years of online and in-person companionship, generally shared with people who don't have the time or interest in the usual dating avenues, or people who struggle with anxiety going into those scenarios in other ways."

Harper believes that modern life has put up so many barriers to creating genuine connections with others that it's left a lot of people feeling lonely.

She says that many of her clients are too busy to form meaningful relationships elsewhere and she's more than happy to fill that void for them.

She says modern life is making us lonely and she's happy to fill that void in men's lives (Harper Valentine)
She says modern life is making us lonely and she's happy to fill that void in men's lives (Harper Valentine)

"Surprisingly, the sex is not what clients appreciate or thank me for during or after our time together. 90% of client feedback is that they loved chatting to me, laughing together, and that they will book longer next time just so they can spend more casual time together," she continued, sharing that some clients pay her to simply cuddle or play video games together.

"Sex isn't the number one priority in my job. My main focus is to find out and provide for whatever need they're seeking to fulfil. Often this is just for general intimacy, sometimes it's to be heard, to feel wanted, to have someone to giggle and be silly with, or maybe to calm an anxiety."

Harper has even accompanied her clients to various social events including gigs, festivals and conventions.

"It's totally badass and flattering that people want to spend significant time with me like that. Everyone gets lonely sometimes," she said.

"I love my work. I have so much flexibility and I meet so many amazing, interesting and varied people."

Featured Image Credit: Harper Valentine

Topics: Australia, Sex and Relationships, Money, Dating trends