A horrifying simulation of the so-called 'euthanasia rollercoaster' has resurfaced again, 15 years after the idea was first developed.
While it may not be an option in real life, there is a simulation you can watch online that shows you how the experience would go.
Spoiler: It's not fun.
Lithuanian engineer Julijonas Urbonas is the brains behind the hypothetical project and has previously said that it provides a 'humane' form of voluntary death that is more 'ritualistic'.
The rollercoaster would hypothetically 'kill' all of those onboard, as Urbonas said it would 'with elegance and euphoria - take the life of a human being'.
Basically, the rider is subjected to a number of consecutive loops, getting smaller and smaller, which maintain a maximum force, leading to their passing.
Other people have made simulations of the proposed coaster, but none of them may show the ride as effectively as this one, which was uploaded to YouTube back in 2015.
The subject in the fictional video describes the experience to the viewer, saying that after the drop you would reach a terminal velocity of 220mph, inflicting 10Gs of force.
For reference, Formula 1 cars can reach the 6G mark and the Apollo 16 shuttle only reached 7.19Gs of force upon re-entry to Earth's atmosphere.
"Do you know what that does to the human body?" the video asks, before revealing: "Prolonged cerebral hypoxia - pure Euphoria as the brain is starved of oxygen, then seven inversion Loops truly put the nail in it just as an insurance policy."

At the end of the ride, we can see the man being carried out by a worker, with his body limp and lifeless, as the rollercoaster fulfilled its morbid purpose.
The science behind it all is quite scary, with the method of death essentially your brain not getting enough blood as it would rush to lower parts of the body.
In a TikTok video by @ridesnslides, the effects are further explained: "The first thing that you would notice is your vision greying out which would then gradually turn to tunnel vision.
"From there, you would begin experiencing a blackout and ultimately you would eventually lose consciousness and die."
The project, which was awarded the Public Prize of New Technological Art of Update 2013, has become a 'unique media phenomenon' since it was unveiled in 2010.
According to Urbonas' website: "Riding the coaster's track, the rider is subjected to a series of intensive motion elements that induce various unique experiences: from euphoria to thrill, and from tunnel vision to loss of consciousness, and, eventually, death."
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Topics: Technology, Science, Viral