You might be the most talkative person going, but when it comes to talking to your boss, you go back into your shell and get hella nervous. Sound familiar?
It's certainly understandable as you don't particularly want to say something stupid in front of your boss, so you just don't say anything at all.
Thankfully, a TikToker and industry expert has provided a very simple trick to help you get over your fear of talking to your gaffer.
Speaking coach Yasir Khan recently took to TikTok to explain a situation that is all too familiar to a lot of us.
He spoke about a bunch of situations where you are thrown into the deep end, such as having to do a presentation last minute without any preparation.
Despite having the skillset and knowledge to do that presentation, Khan explained that his clients get 'terrified' once they are in that situation speaking to their boss.

"It's not a skill issue, it's an internal issue," the coach explained.
Khan then went on to explain how throughout our childhood we have been brought up to 'bow down' or 'not challenge' authority, or we will be in a bit of a sticky situation.
He gave the example of being told by a teacher back at school to essentially pipe down after being a bit of a loudmouth in class.
This mindset is essentially embedded in your brain from a teenager - something that may still be prevalent in our 30, 40s or even 50s.
And to combat this, Khan explained that you simply just have to speak, saying that a lot of the things you are afraid of are actually factual.
But not just speak, you want to feel 'you're making someone else's life easier', or could even be complementing someone.
The coach then said that you should notice positive reactions from people, so you are essentially shifting the focus from yourself to someone else.

Over time, perhaps over a period of a few months, Khan says you'll start to notice a difference in your mentality.
Despite only being up on TikTok for just over a day, many have flocked to the comment section of the video to give their thoughts.
One person wrote: "Thanks so much total sense this makes. I dread 1:1 with my manager she’s like a head mistress nothing ever seems to be good enough."
A second added: "This makes so much sense, confirmation of where my issues stemmed from."
Meanwhile, a third simply remarked: "Powerful."