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The ‘Sunday scaries’ are real but experts have ways to get rid of itThe ‘Sunday scaries’ are real but experts have ways to get rid of it

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The ‘Sunday scaries’ are real but experts have ways to get rid of it

Experts are revealing the best tips on combating Sunday night anxiety

Even if you've never heard the expression 'Sunday scaries' before, you've undoubtedly experienced them at some point in your life.

Whether it was that feeling of dread about returning to school or commuting back to the office, Sunday nights have long been a source of misery for millions.

However, experts have presented some hacks to help keep the Sunday night blues at bay.

Many are plagued by feelings of anxiety on Sunday nights.

The advice came after research commissioned by the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities found that two thirds of Brits still experience feelings of anxiety on Sundays.

The symptoms experienced by sufferers ranged from headaches and muscle trauma to insomnia.

So, how best to banish the dreaded Sunday scaries?

One tip put forward by experts is that people should set clear boundaries between their work life and personal life, particularly on the weekends.

Psychotherapist Belinda Sidhu told the MailOnline: "If you find yourself reaching for your work phone to check your emails at weekends, try turning it off and putting it away out of sight on a Friday afternoon until Monday morning."

This advice is particularly relevant if the stresses of the workplace are linked to one's colleagues, as psychologist Augusto Blanco explained.

It helps to separate your work life from your personal life.

Blanco said: "Whether we face bullies at work or people demanding more than we can give - or that was specified in our contract - learning how to set a respectful and firm limit that we won't budge on, will eventually tell the other person that we will no longer tolerate mistreatment of any kind.

"This not only limits the amount of conflicts one faces on their workplace, but also gives us confidence that we can stand up for ourselves and not endure things we don't like."

It's also of top priority that people remember to make their weekends as enjoyable as possible.

Blanco continued: "Setting aside an activity, a dessert, a movie or anything that you greatly enjoy for Sunday night or Monday after work, will help offset the physical aversiveness that comes from the Sunday scaries."

By treating yourself to something nice on Monday night, you're alleviating some of the dread that comes with starting a new work week.

Also engaging in some light exercise can also help with anxious feelings.

Lauren Steingold, a psychologist at, said: "Try doing something you enjoy rather than simply sweating it out at the gym if that's not your thing.

"Maybe go swimming or put on some music and dance around the house.

"You could try doing a mindfulness or relaxation exercise or do any activity, such as going for a walk, with a mindful frame of mind.

"Being out in nature is really good for our wellbeing. You could try visiting somewhere new or keep it simple and go for a walk around your neighbourhood."

Two thirds of Brits report feeling stressed on a Sunday night.

And above all else - talking to others about how you feel is extremely important.

If the symptoms of Sunday Scaries persist, it's advisable to speak to a medical professional.

Sidhu said: "It's understandable to feel a little stress or anxiety as you see the final moments of your weekend slip away, but the "Sunday Scaries" can be a sign of something deeper.

"Speaking to a professional, such as a qualified therapist, can help you to identify the causes of your stress or anxiety and help you to address and manage it in a helpful and supportive way."

Featured Image Credit: Anna Koldunova / tommaso altamura / Alamy Stock Photo

Topics: Mental Health, Health

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