As anyone who's experienced it will know, being cheated on is absolutely devastating.
But, while you can't stop a partner from cheating, there are certain red flags you can look out for that indicate your lover is likely to be unfaithful.
Australian relationship expert and founder of Louanne Ward Match Making, Louanne Ward, has shared five traits that mean your partner is more likely to cheat on you.

Their parents have cheated
First, you'll want to know if either of their parents have cheated as this 'genetic footprint' can influence your own behaviour in relationships.
Louanne explains in an Instagram reel: "If one of your parents cheated in the past, you might be more likely to cheat.
"Witnessing infidelity in childhood can normalise it, making you more prone to follow suit."
And there is some truth to this - as research published in the Journal of Family Issues in 2017 found that children whose parents were unfaithful were twice as likely to be unfaithful themselves in adulthood.

'High body counts'
Louanne also warns that partners with 'high body counts' and who've enjoyed many one-night stands are more likely to stray.
"A history of numerous sexual partners and enjoying one-night stands can increase the likelihood of cheating," she says in the post's caption.
She further explains: "A high body count often correlates with a thrill-seeking attitude towards sex, which can undermine long-term commitment."
According to research from the University of Queensland, those with more sexual partners were also more inclined to be unfaithful due to developing certain 'skills', as per The Independent.
History of cheating
We've all heard of the phrase 'once a cheater, always a cheater.'
Louanne says that a history of infidelity is one of the strongest predictors that it will happen in the future.
She explains that infidelity isn't simply a mistake but 'a conscious decision' that needs to be treated a such.
"Individuals who have cheated in previous relationships are more likely to cheat again, suggesting a pattern of behaviour," she says.
And while people absolutely have the capacity to change, Louanne says it requires 'serious self-reflection and commitment.'
Avoidant attachment style
Her fourth warning sign is an avoidant attachment style as people with avoidant attachment styles tend to 'distance themselves emotionally from their partners, making it easier to seek intimacy elsewhere.'
"If you notice a pattern of emotional withdrawal, it might be a red flag," she warns.
Emotional and behavioural instability
Lastly, emotional and behavioural instability can be a sign that your partner is more likely to cheat.
Louanne explains that those who are 'prone to dramatic shifts in mood and behaviour' can 'weaken the emotional bonds that help maintain fidelity.'
However, while you should keep these red flags in mind, she stresses that they do not guarantee cheating.
"Remember, just because someone displays these indicators, it doesn’t mean they WILL cheat; they are predictors."
Topics: Sex and Relationships