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Psychopath checklist has 20 questions and it's bad news if you get a high score
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Psychopath checklist has 20 questions and it's bad news if you get a high score

There's a simple test you can take that could determine if you are a psychopath

You may have wondered what makes a sociopath exactly, and how to determine if somebody, including yourself, is one.

Better known as antisocial personality disorder (ASPD), those with the mental health condition can be considered sociopaths, or even psychopaths.

People with ASPD think differently to the majority of other people, as the condition affects how they perceive, feel, or relate to others.

It is a personality disorder that is characterised by impulsive, irresponsible behaviour according to the NHS, which adds that those with ASPD can be manipulative and reckless.

There's a simple test you can take to determine if you're a psychopath (Lionsgate Films)
There's a simple test you can take to determine if you're a psychopath (Lionsgate Films)

ASPD is on a spectrum, similar to other types of personality disorder, so it can range from occasional bad behaviour to breaking the law and committing crimes, in the most severe cases.

So, how do you determine if someone may have ASPD, and be a psychopath or sociopath?

The standard screening test that sees if people potentially have the health condition is called the Hare Psychopathy Checklist.

First developed in the 1970s by Canadian psychologist Robert Hare, a clinician would interview the individual, scoring them against 20 questions.

They are done on a 3-point scale: 0 = Does not apply, 1 = Applies somewhat, and 2 = Definitely applies.

The scores are then totted up against a potential score of 40, and if you get above a certain number, you would be suspected to have ASPD.

Though normally carried out by a professional, you can have a go at home, at these following questions.

Having a sexually promiscuous past could be a sign of being a psychopath (Getty Stock Photo)
Having a sexually promiscuous past could be a sign of being a psychopath (Getty Stock Photo)

  1. Do you have 'excess glibness' or superficial charm?
  2. Do you have a grandiose sense of self-worth?
  3. Do you have an excess need for stimulation or proneness to boredom?
  4. Do you pathologically tell lies?
  5. Are you conning or manipulative?
  6. Do you display a lack of remorse or guilt?
  7. Do you have 'shallow affect' (a condition that reduces a person's emotional reactivity)?
  8. Are you callous, or do you lack empathy?
  9. Do you live a 'parasitic lifestyle'?
  10. Do you have poor behavioural controls?
  11. Do you display promiscuous sexual behaviour?
  12. Do you have a history of early behavioural problems?
  13. Do you have a lack of realistic long-term goals?
  14. Are you more impulsive than most?
  15. Do you highly irresponsible?
  16. Do you struggle or fail to accept responsibility for your own actions?
  17. Have you had numerous short-term 'marital' relationships?
  18. Do you have a history of juvenile delinquency?
  19. Have you ever experienced a 'revocation of conditional release'?
  20. Do you display 'criminal versatility'?
Early behavioural problems can indicate that you have ASPD (Getty Stock Photo)
Early behavioural problems can indicate that you have ASPD (Getty Stock Photo)

Time to tot up your scores - how did you do?

If you scored 30 or more out of 40, then there's a chance that you might be psychopath, or a sociopath.

But if you're in the lower 75th percentile, don't worry - you're safe.

Featured Image Credit: Warner Bros. Lions Gate Films

Topics: Community, Health, Mental Health, Crime