Haribo fans have been shocked to learn the truth about what flavour the green Haribo Goldbears are, and – truth be told – you might be shocked as well.
Everyone loves a bit of Haribo, don’t they?
As the famous advertising song suggests, in several different languages, both kids and grown-ups are fans of the gummy sweeties.
However, few people out there have actually done the reading to find out what flavours they actually are, with even fewer knowing what the green one is.
Could it be apple, or perhaps lime?
It’s certainly not jalapeno flavoured, so that’s right out of the question.
That’s more of a Jelly Belly thing, isn’t it?

In fact, you’ve been able to find out the flavours the whole time, but who has the sort of free time to be reading the back of Haribo packets when you could be shovelling them hand over fist into your gob?
Well, this news – which emerged from a resurfaced Reddit post – has some people completely rattled.
One person commented: "Calling the police over whether the green Haribo gummy bears are strawberry or apple".
Well, it turns out that the green ones are actually strawberry flavoured.
The eagle-eyed observers out there will know that there are five flavours of Goldbear – strawberry (as we’ve mentioned) as well as pineapple, lemon, raspberry, and orange.
Most of them correlate to roughly what you’d expect from their colours, although pineapple being white has caused some further consternation, but the green strawberry one is what has people bent out of shape.
A Twitter comment read: “I was positive they were apple flavoured. Man, now I don't know what to think."
Another person said: “Green strawberry is clearly the weirdest, but is everyone fine with white pineapple???”
One smug person who clearly has too much time on their hands responded: “So sorry you can’t read a package.”
There you have it – not only are the green ones strawberry flavoured, they always have been and the writing has been right in front of your eyes.

It’s a little bit like the Mandela effect – where people believe that things have mysteriously changed through some sort of multiverse leap – involving crisp packets.
What colour do you associate with salt and vinegar crisps or cheese and onion crisps?
Fans of Walkers Crisps will tell you that they’re green and blue respectively, but a cursory glance online will tell you that there are people willing to swear that they used to be the opposite.
In fact, Walkers even addressed the speculation on their website, where in the FAQ section they were been asked: “Why did you change your packaging for Salt and Vinegar and Cheese and Onion so they're in the wrong colours?”
The answer read: “Contrary to popular belief, Walkers Cheese and Onion have always been in blue packets, and Salt and Vinegar have always been in green packets.
“We don't have a plan to change this, as it's signature to our brand.”
Yeah, that’s exactly what they would say – don’t buy that story, Walkers Crisps must be up to their necks in all of this.
It goes seriously deep people – we are through the looking glass here.
Topics: Food And Drink