Soap brand Imperial Leather has finally revealed the answer to the question we've all been asking for so many years: "Why the heck is there a label stuck on the bar of soap?"
Okay, it might not exactly be a question that's kept you up at night, but chances are it's crossed your mind if you've ever gone to wash your hands with a bar of Imperial Leather.

Seemingly defying the laws of science, the branded label is known to hold fast to even the slimiest bars of soap for weeks after first use.
In fact, it's so good at clinging to the soap that one person joked: "If the relationship isn't as strong as that sticker on Imperial Leather soap I don't want it."
It's clearly a well made product, but that still doesn't explain exactly why the label is there in the first place.
People have long speculated over the reason for the label, with some suggesting it was magnetic and could be used to stick the soap to metal items, while many probably just thought it was to promote the brand.
But after years, if not decades, of wondering, Imperial Leather has finally spoken up. And as it turns out, there's actually a very clever reason why the label is attached.

Speaking to the Mail Online, the soap company confirmed that the sticker is for brand identity, but it also helps prevent 'mushiness'.
They explained: "Besides the brand identity, the sticker on the top is for a long lasting bar and preventing mushiness.
"When the soap is used, the sticker will make and keep the top surface, where the sticker is on, concave. After use, the soap is supposed to be upside down.
"The concave surface will help water run out from the bar and minimise the touching surface on a soap tray."
Rather than sticking your slippery soap straight back on to the sink or a soap tray, the sticker acts as a barrier which will not only keep the surface underneath free of soap residue, but will help maintain the integrity of the product.
For so many people, it's a glass-shattering revelation.
"That makes perfect sense, I've been an imperial guy for years and never thought of that so I just went and 'flipped my soap' and it works, thanks!," one person wrote after making the discovery.
I suppose the important thing about the soap is that it leaves our hands clean, but now you've got a fun fact to go along it!