The world is inundated with bad news, right? Every time we go online, every time we turn on the television, there’s someone somewhere letting us know that something terrible is happening. While it’s good to be in the know, it’s also important to remember that good news exists, too. That good news can be on a global scale, or just between you and a mate, but it’s good news just the same.
And Kindness Factory is here to spotlight that type of news.
If you don’t already know, the Kindness Factory is a not-for-profit organisation that aims to foster a kinder community through various resources, like educational programs. It encourages people to log acts of kindness, ranging from simple gestures like calling a loved one to volunteering at a homeless shelter. Even the smallest gesture can make a difference.
But what does it mean to ‘log’ an act of kindness? Well, it really is that simple. By logging onto Kindness Factory’s website, you can click the ‘Log An Act’ button and describe a kind deed you’ve done recently. Have photo evidence? Even better! Post it on socials with the tag #onesmallact to keep the love going.
No kind act is too big or too small, but, by logging yours, you’ll be joining the literal millions of people who have already done the same.
In fact, at the time of writing, more than 7.1 million acts of kindness have been logged so far. 7.1 million! Just in case you needed that reminder of good news to get you through the day.
Now, I understand ‘kindness’ means a lot of different things to different people. But Kindness Factory draw on 12 research backed attributes that can make up an act of kindness:
- Compassion
- Empathy
- Gratitude
- Positivity
- Humour
- Humility
- Self Acceptance
- Mindfulness
- Trust
- Honest
- Collaboration
- Perspective
Think about all the times today alone that you made someone laugh. Or that you helped someone at work. Did you thank the bus driver before heading into the office? That counts, too!
While there’s never a bad day to be kind, try and consciously commit as many acts of kindness as you can this Pay It Forward Day. Taking place globally on April 28, Pay It Forward Day is all about doing just that. Again, these acts of kindness can be anywhere from helping those in your circle to volunteering to help those less fortunate — or even literally paying it forward. You buy that person in front of you in the coffee queue their regular morning latte, and you will have made their entire day.
So, be ready to pay it forward and do kind things on April 28 and on all days. And don’t forget to join the movement by logging your acts of kindness at Kindness Factory’s website — you’ll be just one of millions, soon to be tens of millions, spreading the good news.
Featured Image Credit: Getty ImagesTopics: Charity