A lad that narrowly survived a forklift accident and was left cut in half is back in the hospital.
In September 2019, Loren Schauers was driving a forklift when it veered off a bridge and fell down a 50ft hill.
He tried to jump free, but the seatbelt wrapped around his legs and by the time the forklift stopped, the bottom half of his body was pinned in place – he was also conscious the entire time.

Speaking of the incident, Loren, from Great Falls, Montana, said: "I was conscious the whole time. My eyes were wide open and I saw the forklift come down and land on my hips and my right forearm. I remember looking to my right with the forklift on top of my body and there was a big old piece of a muscle from my arm just lying on the ground next to me. It had just blown apart instantly from the impact."
Many thought that Loren wouldn't survive the accident, with his now wife Sabia Reiche saying goodbye to him on six separate occasions.
However, because the ground that Loren fell on was soft – as his workmates had been moving it earlier that day – he wasn't killed on impact.

His wife Sabia said: "If the dirt hadn't been messed with earlier, it would have been hard so Loren would have been cut in half and would have bled out before the air ambulance even got there.
"The dirt being soft is what saved his life in that situation."
Following the accident, Loren went to the hospital and had the lower half of his body amputated.
The now 23-year-old said: "It wasn't a hard choice to have half of my body amputated – it was basically a choice of living or dying."

While recovery was tough Sabia and Loren's family stayed by his side and he was doing well – the couple even started a YouTube channel.
However, Loren shared some pretty hard news with his followers yesterday, 25 August.
"Your boy Loren is being admitted into hospital (might be sepsis), this'll be fun to try and fight," he explained.
Loren's medical fees are being supported through a GoFundMe page that has raised $90,000 since his accident three years ago.
He's currently in hospital – and here's hoping the young lad makes a speedy recovery soon.
If you want to support Loren and Sabia on their journey, you can follow him on his Twitch account at @iAceNation, or donate to their GoFundMe.