A lad who was diagnosed with a terminal brain cancer when he was just 12-years-old has just celebrated his 30th birthday.
Of course, receiving the news that a disease is terminal is devastating and is going to turn any family upside down, but there are happier stories that come from this.
Stories like Robert Glynn come to mind, who was told he had less than a year to live to eventually being cancer free thanks to a new drug trial.
Glynnn said he 'wouldn't be here today' if not for the trial he took part in as a result of his intrahepatic bile duct cancer diagnosis in 2020.
This lad has a similar story, as he has shocked everyone with how he keeps on going despite being diagnosed with terminal cancer 18 years ago.

The unnamed man took to Reddit recently to explain his story on how he was diagnosed with pilomyxoid astrocytoma - a rate type of brain tumour.
"Back in 2005, I was diagnosed with a very rare brain tumor. A pilomyxoid astrocytoma," he said.
"After brain surgery, I went through radiation treatment which killed the remaining tumor tissue, but resulted in me being left with mild short term memory loss.
"I was 12 at the time of diagnosis and I am now 30."
The lad added that the type of memory loss he suffers from is known as Mild Cognitive Impairment - symptoms of this include problems with memory, language and judgement.
As a youngster, he was granted his last wish by The Make-A-Wish Foundation, with expectations he wouldn't live longer than two years.
The lad's wish was to visit Maui in Hawaii, with pictures shared to Reddit showing him with his parents on the island.

Many Reddit users flocked to the comment section of the post curious as to how this miracle story came about.
"Do you know what happened to turn your case around? How did you go from 1 or 2 years to where you are now?!" one person asked.
The lad responded: "At the time, back in 2005, doctors knew very little about the specific type of tumor I had. I was told when I was diagnosed that only 3 other people globally had even ever been diagnosed with a pilomyxoid astrocytoma. All of them only lived about a year or 2 after diagnosis. Doctors had no idea why my surgery and treatment was so successful.
"The hospital sent my tumor off to be studied and they continued giving me regular MRI scans every year up until just now. I finished my final MRI checkup this year."
A truly remarkable story following such a devastating prognosis.