A man whose morning routine includes drinking his own urine has revealed that his unusual habit has led to a bust-up with his housemate over the 'smell'.
Brother Sage has been drinking his pee for almost 20 years, claiming it is a 'cure all' despite a lack of any scientific evidence to support the practice.
The 68-year-old is so convinced by urotherapy, he's now selling a course for £280 in which he helps people to unlock the secrets of their wee, believing it can be used to treat everything from cancer to sunburn.
Sage, from Colorado, US, said: "I wake up in the morning and I'll drink what I saved in the night.
"Most people will drink it first thing in the morning and people who are fasting or on detox will do 'looping' which means everything they collect will be drank throughout the day.
"The cleaner you can get your diet, the better it'll look, taste and smell."
Of course, storing pee in the house doesn't come without its pitfalls - especially when you're sharing a house.
He continued: "It's a good idea if this is your lifestyle to check in with potential housemates so they know you do this in your room, bathroom or in the house, so there won't be that moment of 'surprise, I do urine therapy'.
"That created a hiccup in the house I'm in and I'm just readjusting where I do my practice now and starting to look for a new location.
"The bedroom and my bathroom are too close to the kitchen so smells go down the hallway.
"I'm [now] either practicing out in the yard, go to a nearby location or hot springs and spend three days just having a good time with it, then it's out of my system."
Sage said he started practicing urotherapy back in 1994, and at the time it had nothing to do with his health - he just wanted to feel a 'total spiritual connection' with himself.
"As the years progressed, I realised there were some things I wanted to improve with my health," he added.
"I increased the use, dosages. There are over 24 topical uses on the skin, eyes and ears.
"People are healing everything because there are no such things as incurable disease when you understand how the body operates.
"They're healing everything from mosquito bites, sunburns, wasp stings, to gum conditions, viruses, diabetes, MS, cancer and Alzheimer's.
"We've got a woman working with a 21-year-old man with autism who is seeing results.
"The most unusual thing is people are feeding it to their pets and their kids and watching their health be returned.
"We realised that [urine] is a universal panacea remedy. You can use a man's, a woman's and cross it over. A dog's, a child's, a human, non-human - it works regardless."
Sage said some people who have issues with their intestines have even tried an aged urine enema, but he suggested that drinking an entire litre of pee within half an hour will work better.
Again, there is no scientific evidence to back up these claims, with GP Dr Jeff Foster suggesting that no good can come from it.
He said: "Urine is a waste product that contains about 90 percent water. The rest is ammonia and salts, some bacteria and other waste products.
"There are no known reported health benefits from either drinking or rubbing your own urine onto your body (or anyone else’s urine).
"Orally, it is much worse - it can actually speed up the dehydration process and potentially introduce bacteria.
"Bottom line is if you would not eat or rub in your own faeces, then don’t think applying the same principle with urine is any healthier.
"Waste products are waste for a reason."