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Loch Ness monster hunter captures footage of mysterious hump breaking water surface
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Loch Ness monster hunter captures footage of mysterious hump breaking water surface

Could we finally find Nessie?

The hunt for the Loch Ness Monster could well be over after experts suggested new footage of the lake ‘could well be Nessie’ after all.

Now, you’re probably sick of reading about all of the ways people have spotted the mysterious monster and it turned out to be fake... but read on, as this could be it.

The Loch Ness monster has been an urban legend since 1933 when it was brought to worldwide attention.

Is the Loch Ness monster real? (Keystone/Getty Images)
Is the Loch Ness monster real? (Keystone/Getty Images)

Since then, many have come forward with faux photos, claiming it to be the real deal - which have gone on to be proven false.

However, when Eoin O’Faodhagain spotted a ‘weird’ shape in the water near Urquhart Castle, he believed it was the monster right in front of him.

At the time, he had been watching the lock via webcam when he ‘noticed a hump-like object at the right-hand side of the screen, moving down the middle of the loch’.

He said: “At times, it seemed to be higher out of the water, at other times lower. It moved briskly with no visible wake, but the waters of the loch were not calm.

"I thought it was a most unusual sight – it neither ploughed through the water like a boat with an engine, nor sailed through.

Eoin O’Faodhagain believes he found Nessie. (PEN News)
Eoin O’Faodhagain believes he found Nessie. (PEN News)

“Weather conditions were dry, but windy with a swell, and because of this I don't think it is a paddleboarder. Weird is an understatement.”

He continued: “Its motion and appearance seemed weird, and I felt excited – like this shape in the water may be something else more mysterious.

“I do not think the hump is a seal – certainly it’s not the behaviour of one. I think it could well be Nessie, after exhausting all other possibilities.”

O’Faodhagain believes that the hump was around a kilometre from the camera, which is maintained by Mikko Takala of Nessie on the Net.

Estimated to be approximately 10 feet long, and standing about four feet out of the water, if it is Nessie, it’s huge.

The former Nessie hunter believes this is where she was spotted. (PEN News)
The former Nessie hunter believes this is where she was spotted. (PEN News)

He explained his thought process: “I am not aware of any known creatures that could be that size in Loch Ness.”

As a veteran Nessie hunter, he tends to watch the webcam to check in on Nessie from his home in Ireland, County Donegal and it was only three weeks ago he reckons he recorded another sighting in the exact same place.

The 59-year-old said: “I think it is significant that it is the second sighting in quick succession in the same area of something large in Loch Ness.

“In my opinion, it is no accident that this area is the deepest part of the Loch, with a prior history of repeated monster sightings over many years. It may be another bumper year for sightings.”

But was it real or another hoax?

Featured Image Credit: PEN News

Topics: News, UK News, Loch Ness Monster