A balding man wept with joy after he received a new hair system that one person said made him look ’20 years younger’. You can see a recap of the video shared by the people who performed the treatment below.
To be fair, he does look pretty great once the work is done.
The man getting the treatment was a bloke called Ashley Tawney who – like a good number of men – is losing his hair.
Whilst it’s no big deal and is totally common, it can obviously be damaging to self-confidence and cause people to worry about their appearance.
So, the folks from Novo Cabelo Hair hooked him up with a hair system that is stuck onto the head with adhesive and then cut and blended into the remaining hair so that it is practically undetectable.
The end results are particularly impressive in this case.
In the video, there’s a 360 view of Ashley’s head, and a voiceover explained: "He is tired of feeling self-conscious about his hair".
All the while, Ashley had his eyes covered so he couldn’t see what was happening to him.
The process involves shaving off the excess hair on the scalp before covering it with a protective substance and the adhesive.
Then, the hair system is carefully fitted and cut into the existing hair, giving the impression of a full head of hair.
After the work was done, the voiceover continued: "All we needed was Ashley's reaction – let's see what he thinks."
Upon seeing his new look, Ashley was overcome with emotion and said: “Oh my God.”
After checking his new hair out from every conceivable angle, he was clearly welling up with tears.
The video has been viewed more than 700,000 times since it was uploaded on March 4.
One observer said: "Tears in my eyes. People don't realise this can really shatter some men's confidence. It doesn't define you, but it's difficult to accept."
Another said: "Omg he looks 20 years younger!"
A third person wrote: "I think it's great that men can feel better... like women have been with wigs for years."
A fourth offered: "What a genuine guy, I’m happy for him he looks amazing."
Writing in the comments, Ashley himself said: "I'm so pleased with my new system! I love it! I honestly can't thank you enough rob, makes me teary watching this! Selfie-taking non-stop."