Did you know what the old McFlurry spoon is used for?
Ah, the weird McFlurry spoon — a sturdy bit of plastic, with a hollow end and hook has confused us for years.
But now, people are finding out why the spoon was designed like that and it makes a lot more sense than you'd think.

So, if you've ever wondered why the spoons are a weird shape, then buckle up, because as one Twitter user found out, it's for a pretty handy reason.
They tweeted: "OHHHHHH it attaches to the machine to mix it so that they don’t have to clean the mixer every time someone orders a different one! My honest childhood guess was that the hole and hollow design was so it could double as a straw but it worked very badly and wasn’t comfortable."
Yep, that's right, it turns out that the hollow bit and hook connects to your favourite out-of-use McFlurry machine to stir things up in the very best way.
And people were thrilled to finally know why the spoons were shaped like that, with one person saying: "This has been a mystery my whole life!"
One user, however, thought it was 'obvious'.
And another had a few things to say about it's true purpose: "What’s the point of a mcflurry spoon being hollow if I can’t f****** drink out of it."
The news comes a little too late for some though, as Maccies recently got rid of the famous plastic McFlurry spoon in a bid to use less plastic.
Announcing their decision on 8 November, the fast food giant wrote: “That's right, we're cancelling plastic cutlery and replacing it with a new sustainable, paper-based material in all of our restaurants in the UK & Ireland."
“We're doing this to remove over 850 tonnes of plastic from our supply chain a year, as part of our Plan for Change.”
The spoons used to make the McFlurry has become something of an icon around McDonald’s restaurants.
Well, those with working McFlurry machines, anyway.
However, any efforts to make the world a better place have to be applauded and Maccies are now using regular-shaped spoons, so it feels like a win-win for everyone.

And people are pretty impressed with the results so far, with one person commenting: “I prefer the new spoons and my little girl asked if we could keep it until I explained they wouldn’t do well washing up,
“Well done McDonald’s.”
While another added, “Used a cardboard spoon for my McFlurry the other day and it was loads better.”
Obviously, not everyone is mad about it – some have complained that the spoons and straws go soggy after a bit.
However, there’s an answer for that, as one person suggested: “Don't know why everyone's [sic] complaining, just scoop it up with a chicken nugget and eat it like every other normal person."
What do you make of the new spoons?
Topics: News, McDonalds, Food And Drink