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Relationship expert explains 'narcissist checklist' that can help identify them in your life

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Relationship expert explains 'narcissist checklist' that can help identify them in your life

There are five narcissistic traits that you should look out for in a partner

A relationship expert has given couples a 'narcissist checklist', just to ensure that you don't end up with one yourself.

Narcissism has become one of the hot dating topics over the last few years, as more and more people are becoming aware of narcissistic traits and narcissistic personality disorder (NPD).

Mental health and relationship experts have taken to social media in the past few years, sharing their opinions on what to look out in either new or existing partners, so that you can figure narcissists out before they get a hold on you.

This is exactly what content creator Jimmy Knowles has done, as he has made an easy-to-follow list for his millions of followers.

There are five easy ways to spot a narcissist, according to Jimmy (Getty Stock Photo)
There are five easy ways to spot a narcissist, according to Jimmy (Getty Stock Photo)

Known as @jimmyonrelationships online, the husband explains in his YouTube bio that he had an affair, and learned to have a healthy relationship, saving his marriage, reading several books on relationships, and 'decided this is too important not to talk about and share what I've learned with others.'

While offering advice, he also added the disclaimer: "I am NOT a coach or counsellor and my videos are NEVER intended to replace counselling or therapy".

To begin the viral video in question, he sets up a skit where a woman is asking for a 'checklist to find out if you're dating a narcissist', which he then brings up and explains to her.

Inflated ego

Jimmy explained that if they always 'have to be the centre of attention', to the point where they have to 'lie to make themselves look better', it isn't a good sign.

He also highlights: "It's important to remember narcissistic personality disorder is different than someone having narcissistic traits, which we can all have sometimes."

The expert also explained that he doesn't want to label, but that the goal is knowing your self-worth and learning our needs, which include healthy boundaries.

Self centred

It's expected, and he sums it up by calling it having an 'entitled superior attitude'.

"(If they) put others down to make themselves feel more important and incapable of giving a compliment, (while having) no regard for your needs or boundaries winner," Jimmy says that they could very well be a narcissist.

Too much pride

If your partner is too arrogant or possessive, to the point where they might be easily jealous or controlling, then this could be a tell-tale sign.

Jimmy also adds that if they manipulate you 'through guilt tripping and devaluing your self worth', then these display strong narcissistic tendencies.

Narcissists will almost never admit that they are wrong (Getty Stock Photo)
Narcissists will almost never admit that they are wrong (Getty Stock Photo)

Victim complex

If they 'refuse to take accountability for anything', finding any opportunity to shift the blame to someone else, particularly you, then Jimmy says they are a narcissist.

Using the words 'defensive' and 'dismissive', he explains that they see criticisms or anything as an attack on them, while having 'the emotional maturity of a toddler'.

Loves to belittle others

If they 'demean, gaslight, invalidate and name call' on a regular basis, it should be a clear sign that they may be a narcissist along with the previous points.

Jimmy also provided examples of phrases that they may say, such as: "'I never said that', 'really gonna make a big deal about that', 'oh you're such an idiot', 'you're lucky I'm even with you'," to name a few.

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Photos

Topics: Mental Health, Social Media, Viral, TikTok