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People who sit at desk for more than 6 hours a day warned to add thing to their diet

People who sit at desk for more than 6 hours a day warned to add thing to their diet

And if you're already having it, then it could be cutting your risk od death apparently, so well done and all that

If you work an office job, and unless you’re someone who’s managed to persuade their boss to get them a standing desk, it’s likely you spend a good chunk of the day on your arse.

I mean, we’ve all seen that gross looking model of what remote workers will look like in the future, so there’s no wonder we often end up feeling achey after a few days of desk work.

It’s pretty fair to say that it can’t be doing our health much good sitting on our chairs for hours on end without physically doing anything. And well, turns out research backs that up too.

So, experts are warning people who sit at a desk for more than six hours a day to add one certain drink to their diet.

Turns out that coffee is a good idea. (Getty Stock)
Turns out that coffee is a good idea. (Getty Stock)

Although, if you’re an office worker, I’d imagine it’s pretty likely you’re already consuming a fair amount of this stuff. It’s practically part of the requirements.

Researchers at Soochow University in China used long-term data from people in the US – looking at over 10,000 of them – and found that a certain drink cut their death risk.

Apparently, people who sit for long periods of time but also drink coffee are 1.58 times less likely to die of any cause than those who don’t consume the stuff, with the effect lasting for up to 13 years.

Yep, coffee saves lives it seems... though it definitely isn't good for white teeth.

The study found that drinking the caffeine cuppas seemed to offer protection from all the nasty impacts of sitting on your bum for ages every day, such as diabetes and heart disease.

It could cut your risk of death apparently. (Getty stock)
It could cut your risk of death apparently. (Getty stock)

They found that people who drank coffee also had better protection than those who exercised. Overall, it came out with the findings from 10,639 people that those who sat for several hours a day had an increased risk of dying if they didn’t drink coffee.

And you don’t have to be absolutely downing gallons of the stuff for this supposed protection – even one mug of it is ok. Although, two to three cups a day were found to be the most effective.

This is all backed up by previous studies which suggest having caffeine in the blood can reduce people’s risk of developing heart disease or type 2 diabetes.

But you probably shouldn’t just think adding coffee to your diet will solve all your problems as of course, it’s important to follow a healthy diet in general.

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images

Topics: Health, Science, Food And Drink