Harry Potter holds a special place in millions of fans' hearts. But for one homeowner, the world of witchcraft and wizardry has proven to be something of a headache.
The resident, who has remained anonymous, lives in the house that was used as the setting for 4 Privet Drive in the blockbuster film franchise.
For those who aren't in the know, the fictional house was home to the Dursleys and their nephew Harry Potter.
So given the its iconic status, it's no surprise that the real house in Bracknell, Berkshire, has attracted its fair share of attention from Potterheads.
But the owner of the home isn't impressed by the constant fanfare.

Talking to The Sun, they said: "We've had people in floods of tears. It's bizarre. The kids, you get it. But obviously the adults. They dress up sometimes in full gear and recreate scenes.
"There was one time somebody tried to climb the fence. That was when we were like 'oh my god, don't do that!'
"We are accommodating though. I've moved my cars for people that want a good photo."
They added: "I don't mind. Harry Potter is amazing. I get that. But you do come home from work and they are all on your drive. It's quite mad.
"We knew what house we were buying except they didn't really tell us. They didn't tell us they are here all day, every day. It's constant."
The house previously went on the market in 2016, before the owner withdrew it.
A neighbouring home reportedly sold for £650,000, which was nearly £200,000 more than the asking price.

The owner continued: "You open the curtains in the morning. You don't get used to it. It's really weird.
"Ten is the maximum we've had but people come in groups. People come in cars and it's all day and sometimes at night. The school holidays are the worst. Last week we had loads of people knocking on the door. It's more of the fact that it's a constant stream.
"It's one of those franchises after all these years that is still just as crazy. Sometimes I just don't get it.
"Most people do knock on the door and ask if they can take a photo, but some people don't bother.
"I feel sorry for the neighbours because they are on their driveways trying to get a good photo.
"People have travelled miles. From all over the world. People are sometimes really awkward. We are used to it, but not used to it in a way."

When Harry lived with the Dursleys, he was initially forced to live in a closet under the stairs, before being given a spare bedroom.
The owner revealed: "The cupboard is still here. It hasn't been touched. Harry Potter might as well still live here. We just keep junk in it. Coats. Ironing board. Hoover.
"We have thought about recreating it into the cupboard."
The real house itself only featured in one of the films, but the street was recreated on a set for future movies.
Fans can visit that set at the Warner Bros Studio Tour in Leavesden, Hertfordshire.
Topics: Harry Potter, TV and Film