Terrifying footages shows a pilot yelling at a tourist after she grabbed a critical helicopter lever during a Grand Canyon flight
The TikTok video has since gone viral after clocking up over 2.7 million views since it was first posted yesterday (7 June).
In the video, a tourist can be seen reaching for a lever before the pilot repeatedly shouts 'NO' before telling her the extremity of the near-death situation.

The pilot can be seen grabbing the tourist's wrists as she goes to grab the lever positioned in the middle of the cabin before telling her: "No! That will kill us!"
The overlay text reads: "Tourist decides to grab lever during Grand Canyon flight," and has since received thousands upon thousands of comments from people eager to share their reactions to the chilling near-death experience captured on tape.
One TikTok user posted: "It blows my mind the amount of civilians don't follow the simple childhood rule of 'if you don't know don't touch it'."
A second called it the 'I paid $5000 for this ride I’ll do what ever I want' mentality.
"How do people get through life?" wondered a third.

A fourth viewer echoed: "Imagine how that person is [sic] in everyday life..."
Many claimed they would have cancelled the flight there and then if they were the pilot, with one commenting: "Nah tour be over after that."
"Straight back to landing pad, no refund," hit out another.
Others took the opportunity to explain the importance behind not pulling the lever with one TikTok user writing: "Jesus. That is the rotor brake."
A second explained: "Rotor brake lever - it's like parking lock on cars, used to lock rotors when the aircraft parked.

"Activating it midair will make the helicopter fall like rock."
The person who originally posted the short clip - just eight seconds long - has since taken to the platform to offer social media users a follow-up on the matter.
Responding to the question: "Why's she in the co-pilot seat?" this afternoon (8 June), the TikToker offered some 'more context'.
The overlay text on the video read: "Sorry, I assumed there was a warning sign on the side of the lever, because on pics on the internet it did have the 'do not touch' warning on it."
Well, guess we now all know exactly what not to touch whenever we next find ourselves in the front seat of a helicopter...