Ryanair CEO Michael O'Leary got a few extra charges on his restaurant bill recently, and he can't really complain about it, given the way he runs his airline.
Anyone who's ever heard of Ryanair will know it's the cheap flight airline where hidden charges lurk behind every activity other than sitting in your seat without luggage and rawdogging the flight.
Taking a decent sized bag with you? That's a chargin'.
Want some extra legroom on your seats? That's a chargin'.
Need your boarding pass reprinted? Oh, you'd better believe that's a chargin'.

So, if you're flying with Ryanair, make sure you know all the ways that initial low price of your flight could leap higher and leave you wondering whether you'd have been better off booking elsewhere.
As such, when O'Leary went for a meal at the Irish restaurant Luvida, they decided it was time to turn the tables on the Ryanair boss and stick a few extra fees onto his bill.
The airline boss tucked into a meal that included the likes of battered prawns, mushroom on toast, and seabass on Friday (21 March), but was also hit with a triple whammy of other charges.
The restaurant charged O'Leary an extra €7.95 for 'extra leg space', got him to cough up €9.95 for 'priority booth seating', and slapped him with another charge of €19.05 for 'quiet area reservation'.
Being honest, if you had the Ryanair boss come into your restaurant, this is exactly the sort of prank you'd play on him for the sake of every holidaymaker who was told their bag was too big and they'd have to pay more.
"Thank you to Michael O'Leary for choosing to dine with us tonight!" the restaurant cheekily said as it shared pictures of the bill to Instagram.
"It was a pleasure to host you. Hope you don't mind us adding some additional charges to your bill for extra leg space, priority booth seating and quiet area reservation."
People thought this was a good joke and one person even chimed in with a suggestion as to what else they could have charged O'Leary for, suggesting that after wine was ordered for the table they should have asked him if he wanted to 'pay the supplement for some glasses'.
If you're eager to find the right spot on a Ryanair flight, then there's one seat in the cabin which is the 'magic seat'.
If you're flying on a 737-Max 8200, book seat 29A, as apparently there's some extra legroom to be had there.
Topics: Food And Drink, Money, Ryanair, Instagram, Social Media