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Sex doll company sells out of lifelike model people are using to get out of driving fines

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Sex doll company sells out of lifelike model people are using to get out of driving fines

The company says it sold out of its Donna doll

A sex doll retailer says it has sold out of a particularly realistic-looking model as motorists use it to avoid fines.

Yeah, there’s quite a bit to unpack there, isn’t there? So let’s dive in.

In Australia, some lanes on highways can only be used by vehicles carrying more than one person - and this rule is enforced with special cameras.

However, some of our friends Down Under have realised you can fool the cameras by putting a life-sized sex doll in the passenger seat when driving along the Eastern Freeway. I’d love to know who the first was to discover this and what they were doing… in fact, no, I’m actually quite glad I don’t know.

Anyway, the bizarre move has led to the Donna sex doll selling out, according to Wild Secrets’ marketing manager Adam Lea.

I honestly don't think she's even sat her test, never mind passed it.
Wild Secrets

He told the Herald Sun: “This has never happened in the company’s 30-year history.”

According to a press release, the fact the doll is posing inside a car may have been the reason Donna, who costs £2,700 ($5,500), has sold out.

“The reason behind this sudden spike in sales, all of which are in Melbourne, seems to be as travel partners for people using the Eastern Freeway,” Lea added.

“The awful traffic on the Eastern has resulted in a coup for us. People are buying dolls so they can use the much faster transit lane.”

Lea said that prior to a couple of months ago the dolls would sell ‘infrequently’ but there’s been a flood of new purchases, with one customer even admitting that the sex doll purchase was purely to trick the cameras.

Eastern Freeway in Melbourne, Australia.
Thomas Cockrem / Alamy Stock Photo

“Sometimes it would be only two a month… but then all of a sudden, recently, it was hourly sales, and now we don’t have any left… the only reason we can think of is the Eastern Freeway,” he added.

According to VicRoads’ website, it’s only permitted to drive in a T2 freeway transit lane if there are two or more people in the vehicle or if you are driving a bus, taxi, motorcycle or tram.

However, it also states that the ‘passengers’ must be human, which - despite her realistic-looking face - Donna isn’t, so if customers were caught with the dolly passenger they’d still find themselves on the wrong side of the law. Not to mention having an awful of explaining to do to their other half.

Featured Image Credit: Wild Secrets/Greg Balfour Evans/Alamy Stock Photo

Topics: Weird, Australia