A son has defended his mum after she carved 'adulterer' into her dead husband's gravestone.
The woman's son took to Reddit to share the bizarre revenge story, asking whether or not he's wrong for refusing to pay for it to be repaired.
In a post to the subreddit 'Am I An Asshole?', the lad claimed that his dad had had an affair with a work colleague, who became pregnant.
His mother then split up with him and he moved out, later dying of a heart attack while having sex.
Angry at the way she was treated, the mum served up a big bowl of revenge and carved a salty message into his headstone.

His post read: "My father and mother had a very bitter marriage towards the end of his life, he had a long-running affair with another married co-worker and got her pregnant before he passed.
"He was planning to leave mum, skip the country and move to Canada to start a new life with her.
"My father and mother had a very bitter marriage towards the end of his life, he had a long running affair with another married co-worker and got her pregnant before he passed.
"He was planning to leave mom, skip the country and move to Canada to start a new life with her. They had a house picked out and all.
"He had moved out and was living with his co-worker when he suddenly died of a heart attack while having sex.
"Divorce papers were never filed, no legal separation. They were in the process of moving all things legal. But on paper, they were still happily married.
"Now me and my siblings are already out of home, our youngest sibling is 19 and is in college. I work for a tech company and I'm currently back in my hometown helping my mom manage his estate.

"Well, my mom was hurt and petty and marked his gravestone as, 'In loving memory of John Doe, son, husband, father and adulterer'."
The son claimed that his father's family and new partner demanded that they pay for the grave to be fixed.
He didn't see it quite the same way, though, and felt his mum was well within her rights to do what she did.
Understandably, the story sparked a bit of a debate, with the majority of people backing the mum all the way.
One user said: "I would DIE (no pun intended) if I was walking through a cemetery and saw that! Your mom is an icon. NTA. I hope she burns his old shirts or something."
Another chipped in: "If you don’t have any issue with it and it’s not your plot, then it’s 110 percent not your problem. But dang did your mom ever get the last laugh. A bit of a legend IMO."
"NTA your moms a straight bad ass though," put a third.
I guess, it's true what they say, hell really hath no fury like a woman scorned.