A British couple who go on swinger cruises have addressed a common misconception people tend to have about the unique experience.
Married Lincolnshire couple of 12 years Olivia, 31, and Gage Masterson, 32, happen to be big names in the swinging community.
Five years into their marriage, Olivia had an open conversation with her husband, telling him that she was bisexual and that she'd like to 'explore more'.

After many discussions, the pair thought they would try out swinging, otherwise known as the 'Lifestyle', where a 'secret signal' is often used for people who want to take part.
"We have become best friends with some of the people we swing with: we speak to each other every day," she told iNews.
"But there is a very fine line between swinging and having an open relationship. For us, swinging is more sexual, whereas an open relationship is emotional too.
"My husband and I promised each other we would have an emotionally monogamous relationship.

"We make it clear with people we are meeting that we don’t want to 'date'.
"We are just looking to explore sexual desires and kinks. We can still have friendships and connections with people but it wouldn’t be in a romantic way."
Since then, Gage has become the CEO of the dating app SwingHub, as the couple continue to speak about the Lifestyle.
Having gone on various swinger cruises over the years, the duo have put to bed the misconception that swingers will just have sex 'with anyone'.
Olivia explained on the Sail Away: Uncensored Cruise Podcast: "I think when you tell people that when you're in an open relationship, to people that are not in an open relationship they're like, 'oh, she's gonna steal my husband' or like 'she's bi, so why didn't she try it on with me?'
"And I'm kind of a bit like we are the choosiest people, we're so picky and I think we have got pickier as well as the more of the experiences we've had.
"We get pickier and pickier don't we?"
"Even when you're single, you're still picky right?" Gage interjected.
"I think what differs between me and Olivia is that we communicate everything thoroughly, if we've got the slightest worry about anything we will talk about it," he added.
"We will go into depth about it and there's been, I think, we don't watch TV that much do we? We literally sit on the sofa with a cup of tea and biscuits and we just talk about everything, everything that's running through your mind, which I feel like people don't do enough."
Topics: Sex and Relationships, Dating trends