A terrifying simulation is said to be able to prove if you have a phobia that only a small amount of people worldwide suffer from.
Let’s be honest, no matter how hard we like to pretend we are, we’ve all got something that makes us uneasy or just outright scares us sh**less.
From nomophobia to chromophobia and tryophobia to submechanophobia, there’s enough out there in this world for us to have at least one fear.

And in the case of this unnerving simulation, it’s thalassophobia that people are being absolutely put about by.
What is thalassophobia?
While there isn’t enough research to give an exact amount of people suffering from this phobia, experts reckon up to nine percent of adults have thalassophobia.
Some people might have a little touch of anxiety or fear about the ocean but for others, it’s a much bigger problem.
Basically, if it’s to the point of the phobia being so persistent that it affects your life, then it could be down to having thalassophobia.
This is quite literally an intense phobia or fear of large or deep open bodies of water or the ocean itself.
Thalassophobia comes from the Greek word Thalassa, meaning sea, and the word phobos, meaning fear.
Healthline says that when you have a specific phobia like this one, ‘you may feel an intense fear of something even at moments when it may not pose a danger to you’.
It adds: “Your body may respond to seeing or being near a large body of water by triggering severe symptoms of anxiety.”

The terrifying simulation
The short animation shared to YouTube is titled Stranded and comes with the eerie description: “This patch of water is a no parking zone.”
It begins with a sailor out on a boat out at sea with stormy clouds overhead and rocky waters below. With nothing else in sight, a bizarre, humongous head appears from the waves.
Practically the same size as the boat, it has blacked out eyes, pointy ears and a bumped head like some kind of water alien hybrid creature.
The boat’s engine continues to fail as a mega hand grips on to the back, pulling it into the water.
And with the animation being shown from the sailor’s point of view, we are then dragged into the sea with it as the vessel sinks out of view.
The video is so unnerving one user said they don’t even have thalassophobia but they’re ‘contemplating developing it’ after watching.
Topics: YouTube