A woman who makes £392,000 a year by sleeping with married men says she sees the same thing all the time.
I bet when you read that you’ve instantly thought these are men cheating on their partners. Honestly, I would to. But in fact, these men are apparently doing so with the approval, and even instruction, of their wives.
Olivia Bentley is a self-proclaimed sex 'therapist' who takes a rather hands-on approach.
She claims to have ‘saved marriages’ but told news.com her work is ‘life-changing’.
A ‘veteran’ sex worker, the American has spent 15 years in the industry and says women happily give their husbands a ‘hall pass’ to visit her.
The 46-year-old claims to see up to 10 clients a week and her work isn’t just being ‘physically involved’ but also supporting them emotionally and giving them sex tips.
Unsurprisingly, Bentley says people tend to be pretty nervous at first so she always eases them in.

She explained: “I’m very affectionate physically and emotionally towards the wife always. If she’s feeling very good, then the mood is elevated and we have a really good time and the husband is very grateful for the experience.”
It’s worth adding that Bentley doesn’t have official ‘counselling qualifications’ but does have a master’s in education and previously worked at a legal brothel in Nevada.
And with much of her clients, there’s a common thing the sex ‘therapist’ comes across.
Apparently, these blokes say their ‘sex life goes out the door’ after a ‘few years’ with their wives, leading to the granting of the ‘hall pass’.
“It’s not an option to get married to a man and then turn around and say, ‘Oh, sorry, I’m not into sex anymore, too bad for you,’” she explained.

“It’s not fair but I see it all the time. There’s tons of that out there and then they’re not really happy. I don’t shame them if they’re going to go to a provider.”
One of Bentley’s top bits of advice for her clients is that they keep up their physique as she claims it can increase libido as well as recommending plenty of stretching and yoga.
And she earns a whopping $500,000 (£392k) a year for her services.
Bentley added: “Couples who have sessions with me are the coolest in the world because they understand the importance of sexuality in their relationship as a part of maintaining a healthy marriage.
“When you’re forthcoming with your sexuality and your needs, that’s a healthy thing.”
Topics: Money, Sex and Relationships