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Dating coach says you should never ask these three questions on a first date

Dating coach says you should never ask these three questions on a first date

Here are the three questions you should never ask on a first date

In the digital age of dating, first dates come with a lot of pressure and a certain level of expectation, particularly if you lied about your height on Hinge.

But whether we like it or not, first impressions are a real thing and you don't want to give off any 'red flag' vibes, which, in itself, could be a bit of a red flag.

Thankfully, US-based dating coach Blaine Anderson is here to help ease those nerves by sharing the three questions never to ask on a first date, reports CNBC.

Here are the three questions you should never ask on a first date (Getty Stock Images)
Here are the three questions you should never ask on a first date (Getty Stock Images)

1) What's your dating history?

Although you might want to know the answer to this as soon as possible, Anderson says you must avoid all temptation.

“The only category of questions I’d advise singles to avoid outright on early dates is around dating history,” she told the outlet.

“There’s no need to bring exes into your first dates. Stay present, and focus on the here and now.”

Instead, she suggests: “Be playful, and ask questions that will make your date smile.”

2) This was great! Do you want to go on another date?

Dating is hard. And when you think you've met someone you want to see again, you might want to hold off from rushing things.

“Planning for the second date is a form of courtship, a form of testing that mutual interest,” the founder of Dating by Blaine said.

If only all first dates could look like this (Getty Stock Images)
If only all first dates could look like this (Getty Stock Images)

“That’s why I like to leave the first date open. I like leaving that planning process intact. Now, one person has to take a little bit of a risk.”

Blaine also notes that putting people on the spot isn't likely to get a good answer out of them.

“If you ask someone if they want to go on a second date, 99 percent of the time they’ll say, ‘yes’ because it’s so awkward not to say yes,” she explained.

“You can say: ‘We should totally check that out sometime.’

“You’re alluding to something in the future, but you’re not asking them to do it.”

3) Drinks has been fun — should we get dinner now?

If you're having such a good time and you don't want the date to end, that is good.

But try and end it whilst it's going well.

“The problem with the seven-hour first date is you have this false sense of really being intimate without knowing if over time they will be consistent,” she said.

“As good as it feels, even if you’re on the most amazing date I’d encourage people to stop after the second round of drinks.

“Leave wanting more. If the magic is there, it will lead to a second date.”

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images

Topics: Dating trends, Sex and Relationships