It's that time of year again. You open your eyes one morning when all of a sudden - horror sets in. Your head feels like it's been stuffed with cotton wool, you can't breathe properly out your nose and your throat feels drier than a desert.
Yep, is officially cold and flu season, and waking up feeling as rough as toast, unfortunately, becomes a more common occurrence.
Typically, colds last for a week or two, and if they've not cleared off by then, you should probably make a trip down to your GP for once over.

We all know there's not really anything you can do to fully prevent the common cold, but one doctor has come to the rescue with a big tip she claims can reduce the severity - and duration - of those pesky symptoms.
Taking to TikTok, Doctor Shireen (@doctorshireen) has shared some 'GP approved' advice she promises will be the 'best investment of your time' to listen to.

"The second you notice an itchy throat, a runny nose, itchy, burning eyes - anything that might suggest you've got a cough or a cold coming - what I want you to do is take two things: vitamin C and zinc.
"You can actually get these tablets that you can pop into water - just start it."
While clarifying that you can't fully prevent coughs or colds, the NHS GP explained: "Research is out there to show that taking zinc and vitamin c reduces the duration and severity."
She continued: "I've personally been doing this for the last couple of years and I can tell you, it really works."
Plenty of people agreed in the comments that taking the supplements are a good idea, although it might not be so simple.
It's true that both zinc and vitamin c are known to help boost our immune system.
However, a study on zinc in the Journal of Family Practice found that popping the mineral, while already showing symptoms, might not that effective at getting rid of the sniffles. Instead, experts at Health Beat suggest using the supplements year-round is a better way to go about it.
Still, it's handy to know, given the age-old saying 'prevention is better than cure'.
And if you're sat there reading this surrounded by nasal sprays and tissues, the NHS recommends the following:
- Make sure you have plenty of rest
- Stay hydrated and drink a lot of water
- Try and eat healthier meals to stay full, and lay off the junk food
- Gargle salt water to soothe a sore throat (though this is not suitable for children)
- Drink hot water with lemon and honey to help with a sore throat
- Breathe in steam to ease a blocked nose by sitting in the bathroom with a hot shower running
- Don't smoke, as it could make your symptoms worse