Hypothetical scenarios are intended to be fun, but they can often be quite stressful to think about.
One Twitter user posed an almost incomprehensible scenario to his followers.
In an animation, viewers are treated to a view of a meteorite hitting the Earth from the perspective of somebody onboard a flight.
Pretty harrowing stuff, right?
Well, the video takes it a step further by showing the plane being ripped apart in the aftermath.
Accompanying this terrifying simulation was the question: 'What would you do in this situation?'
I'm guessing 'Cry and die' isn't an option here?
Thankfully, Twitter users were on hand with equally humourous and insightful answers to this apocalyptic scenario.
One user wrote: "I'll firmly, but politely, tell the meteor to turn around and go about its day."
How British.
Presumably, in this hypothetical simulation, we haven't done an Armageddon and sent Bruce Willis up in a rocket to sort it out.
Another user tweeted: "Nothing. It's over," which was echoed by a fellow tweeter: "Die."

Elsewhere, a man revealed his innermost desire: "Whip out my phone and cancel Prime once and for all."
I guess there's no point in next-day delivery if your address is a crater in the ground.
Others were confused as to why the plane appeared to be in space at the time of the collison.
Which is a valid question, to be fair.
This isn't the first time that a simulation video involving space has gotten people into a tizzy.
One simulation showed the stomach-churning results of a human being exposed to outer space without a spacesuit.
It's as horrifying as it sounds.
The charming animation shows the water on the skin evaporating, whilst the blood boils.
The body is then shown swelling and becoming bigger, almost like a big human balloon, as the skin ‘is elastic and strong enough to withstand pressure.

Unsurprisingly, it's not something you can recover from.
Fortunately, being exposed to the elements in space isn't something that the average has to fret about.
It's no surprise that we humans get a little jittery when thinking about asteroids and other such things.
Earlier this year, a 'city killer' asteroid passed by Earth.
It gives you the warm and fuzzies when you hear terms like 'city killer' being used, doesn't it?
The 2023 DZ2, as it is formally known, passed by our planet at an unusually close distance of 100,000 kilometres in March.
It's estimated to be between 40 and 90 metres in diameter, and is expected to return to our orbit in 2026.
Scientists estimate it won't cause us any harm then, either.
Does anyone have a piece of wood to touch, just to be safe?