Experts decided that one of the most terrifying noises ever heard by a human needed replicating - even if it sounds like the 'scream of a thousand corpses'.
Those zany brainiacs just can't help themselves, they hear an utterly terrifying noise and decide that it must be replicated and studied, even if it is genuinely scary.
The noise is produced by something called the Aztec Death Whistle, which was found in 1999, when archaeologists discovered the remains of a sacrificial victim holding a number of musical instruments.
One of these was a skull shaped whistle, which produced a sound like howling wind when it was tested.
Since the skeleton was discovered inside a temple dedicated to the Aztec god Ehecatl, who is associated with the wind, it's thought that the original death whistle was meant to invoke this force of nature through sound.

However, when a team of experts 3D printed a replica of the whistle, they found that it produced a much more unsettling sound.
It either sounded like the most howling wind in the world, but give it a listen in the video below and tell me that doesn't sound like some poor soul screaming in their last moments.
It's genuinely quite an unsettling sound which really does sound like someone screaming in utter terror, and the fear factor is only heightened by the fact that it was discovered clutched in the hands of a sacrificial victim.
The Aztecs were already a rather scary civilisation, what with their penchant for human sacrifice, so even if the original artefact was supposed to sound like the wind, it's little surprise the recreation of the instrument was named the 'death whistle'.
What the Aztecs themselves used it for is unknown, but the fact that it was buried with a sacrificial victim may help shine a light on it.

There are also other suggestions that Aztec soldiers would blow their whistles in unison for intimidation, but an instrument that would have sounded like the wind being buried with a sacrificial victim in a temple dedicated to the Aztec's god of wind has more meat on the bones as a theory.
As for what the recreation sounds like, YouTuber James Orgill played the sounds and it really did evoke the noise of someone screaming, so if you're going to watch make sure you do it somewhere with headphones.
You have been warned:
The Aztec Death Whistle's recreated sound, which is so much more like someone screaming, has been used to scare people away from time to time.
Footage of a man and his dog responding to the screaming noise was picked up by a doorbell camera, causing them to run off.
The wonders of modern technology clashing with historical scary noises.