A woman caught a possible 'ghost' on video, or rather her dog appeared to spot the suspected spectre lurking in a very poorly lit part of her home.
While the dog spotted it first it prompted some loud screaming and swearing from the woman holding the camera, so what's the deal behind this phantom presence?
The video started with a woman on her sofa announcing to seemingly nobody but the camera she was filming on that she was going to bed.
She said: "Dogs are ready for bed, it's just a peaceful night here, here I go to bed myself.
"What the f**k is that? What, oh god fu-!"
In the video she took one of her dogs appeared to freeze and stare into the darkness of the corridor, with a possible shadow moving into the darkness transfixing it.

Was it a ghost or just a random shadow, we don't know, but the folks over on Reddit's r/Ghosts have decided to weigh in on the matter, and who would know the answer better than them?
Some people said that the dog seemed 'excited', while another said the 'tail stiffened initially' and could have been a sign of fear or apprehension.
However, plenty are convinced that the whole thing is a steaming load of piffle, particularly because of some factors in the video.
One commenter said it broke their cardinal rule when figuring out 'is this a real ghost captured on film' because there appeared to be no reason for the video to be taken.

Others picked at the dramatic music played over the clip in an attempt to make the 'ghost' seem scarier.
Someone else said 'hoax assumed' and it seems safe to say that the internet's resident community of ghost experts aren't very convinced by this.
Instead they believe this to be pretty much the archetypal example of a ghost hoax video, with so many believing it suspicious that the woman announcing it was 'just a peaceful night' and filming a seemingly normal moment to announce that nothing was happening.
It seems this community have seen plenty of ghost videos and they reckon they can tell the genuine article from someone trying to sell a shadow as a spooky spirit.
They've even got a checklist for this sort of thing, and apparently playing spooky music over the video is a sign that the 'ghost' is 'immediately horse s**t'.
One final commenter simply branded it 'faaaake'.